Tele Deluxe with a twist | Squier Troublemaker Telecaster Deluxe Review
Ambient Endeavors
Tele Deluxe with a twist | Squier Troublemaker Telecaster Deluxe Review
Let's talk about the Matchless 30/15 amp
Ambient Endeavors
Let's talk about the Matchless 30/15 amp
WATCH THIS before you buy an Epiphone Casino [affordable semi-hollow alert!]
Ambient Endeavors
WATCH THIS before you buy an Epiphone Casino [affordable semi-hollow alert!]
The best sounding $99 [used] reverb pedal
Ambient Endeavors
The best sounding $99 [used] reverb pedal
Exploring the Matthews Effects The Technician | Ambient Guitar Pedal
Ambient Endeavors
Exploring the Matthews Effects The Technician | Ambient Guitar Pedal
Complete chaos. | Normal Devices Decay Cascade Distorted Reverb
Ambient Endeavors
Complete chaos. | Normal Devices Decay Cascade Distorted Reverb
WHAT is Strymon up to now!? Strymon EC-1 dTape Echo Review & Demo
Ambient Endeavors
WHAT is Strymon up to now!? Strymon EC-1 dTape Echo Review & Demo
Is the Guild Starfire I DC a SLEEPER or SLOUCH?
Ambient Endeavors
Is the Guild Starfire I DC a SLEEPER or SLOUCH?
The most versatile offset? | Balaguer Ambient Espada [Featuring Isaac Levy]
Ambient Endeavors
The most versatile offset? | Balaguer Ambient Espada [Featuring Isaac Levy]
MORE than a treble booster. [kittycasterFX Meerkat Wide Range Boost]
Ambient Endeavors
MORE than a treble booster. [kittycasterFX Meerkat Wide Range Boost]
Can the Yosemite Reverb do post-rock? | Spruce Effects Yosemite Reverb [Junior Ranger Series]
Ambient Endeavors
Can the Yosemite Reverb do post-rock? | Spruce Effects Yosemite Reverb [Junior Ranger Series]
The truth about NAMM 2025
Ambient Endeavors
The truth about NAMM 2025
How I craft 80s inspired guitar tones - three ESSENTIAL elements.
Ambient Endeavors
How I craft 80s inspired guitar tones - three ESSENTIAL elements.
Three sub-$1000 electric guitars you should know about.
Ambient Endeavors
Three sub-$1000 electric guitars you should know about.
GUILD DOESN'T MISS with this affordable acoustic guitar | Guild DS-240E Memoir
Ambient Endeavors
GUILD DOESN'T MISS with this affordable acoustic guitar | Guild DS-240E Memoir
My favorite looper pedal is a tape echo. [Strymon Volante sound-on-sound]
Ambient Endeavors
My favorite looper pedal is a tape echo. [Strymon Volante sound-on-sound]
Some ambient guitar to end the year.
Ambient Endeavors
Some ambient guitar to end the year.
My favorite guitar gear from 2024
Ambient Endeavors
My favorite guitar gear from 2024
Fano Guitars GF6 🎸 First Look
Ambient Endeavors
Fano Guitars GF6 🎸 First Look
I'm MOVING studios! | Vlog Episode 01
Ambient Endeavors
I'm MOVING studios! | Vlog Episode 01
The end of era...PLUS a giveaway.
Ambient Endeavors
The end of era...PLUS a giveaway.
How design limits can BOOST creative flow | 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzz
Ambient Endeavors
How design limits can BOOST creative flow | 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzz
These pickups are PURE GOLD! Lollar Deluxe Foils [Goldfoil Pickups]
Ambient Endeavors
These pickups are PURE GOLD! Lollar Deluxe Foils [Goldfoil Pickups]
Pedalboard friendly VOX tones! | Tubesteader ROY - Vox AC30 Top Boost Tube Preamp
Ambient Endeavors
Pedalboard friendly VOX tones! | Tubesteader ROY - Vox AC30 Top Boost Tube Preamp
Your overdrive pedal's new best friend. | Analog Music Company So High So Low
Ambient Endeavors
Your overdrive pedal's new best friend. | Analog Music Company So High So Low
Beginner's guide to SHOEGAZE guitar tones | feat. Beautiful Noise Endless Sleeper II Dual Delay
Ambient Endeavors
Beginner's guide to SHOEGAZE guitar tones | feat. Beautiful Noise Endless Sleeper II Dual Delay
Jackson Audio x Silvertone Twin Trem | Harmonic + Optical Tremolo = twice the fun!
Ambient Endeavors
Jackson Audio x Silvertone Twin Trem | Harmonic + Optical Tremolo = twice the fun!
EVERY Klon tone imaginable! | Walrus Audio Voyager MKII Demo
Ambient Endeavors
EVERY Klon tone imaginable! | Walrus Audio Voyager MKII Demo
The NEW Gretsch Tennessean | My new favorite Gretsch | 2024 Gretsch Professional Collection
Ambient Endeavors
The NEW Gretsch Tennessean | My new favorite Gretsch | 2024 Gretsch Professional Collection
The Taylor GS Mini shouldn't sound THIS GOOD!? | Acoustic Season - Ep. 02
Ambient Endeavors
The Taylor GS Mini shouldn't sound THIS GOOD!? | Acoustic Season - Ep. 02
Walrus Audio R1 MK II Reverb | MAKO Series got a major UPGRADE!
Ambient Endeavors
Walrus Audio R1 MK II Reverb | MAKO Series got a major UPGRADE!
Guitar picks and why they matter | STOP overlooking this piece of guitar gear!
Ambient Endeavors
Guitar picks and why they matter | STOP overlooking this piece of guitar gear!
Universal Audio KNUCKLES | Dual Rectifier tones for your pedalboard.
Ambient Endeavors
Universal Audio KNUCKLES | Dual Rectifier tones for your pedalboard.
Poly Effects AMPLE - 56 boutique and vintage amps in ONE PEDAL!?
Ambient Endeavors
Poly Effects AMPLE - 56 boutique and vintage amps in ONE PEDAL!?
Eastman E10SS Slope Shoulder Dreadnought [Acoustic Season Episode 01]
Ambient Endeavors
Eastman E10SS Slope Shoulder Dreadnought [Acoustic Season Episode 01]
Supro Montauk First Look - is this their best compact guitar amp yet?!
Ambient Endeavors
Supro Montauk First Look - is this their best compact guitar amp yet?!
Origin Effects Halcyon Blue | The most dynamic Bluesbreaker pedal yet?
Ambient Endeavors
Origin Effects Halcyon Blue | The most dynamic Bluesbreaker pedal yet?
Does the Vox AC4TV hold up? | A sub-$300 tube amp with some charm
Ambient Endeavors
Does the Vox AC4TV hold up? | A sub-$300 tube amp with some charm
Why are these still my FAVORITE PICKUPS!?
Ambient Endeavors
Why are these still my FAVORITE PICKUPS!?
WARM Audio WA-C1 | Classic analog chorus tones and a MAGICAL preamp!
Ambient Endeavors
WARM Audio WA-C1 | Classic analog chorus tones and a MAGICAL preamp!
kittycasterFX Groovy Wizard | This fuzz does it all!
Ambient Endeavors
kittycasterFX Groovy Wizard | This fuzz does it all!
The Dumble sounds. | Universal Audio Enigmatic 82 Overdrive Special [UAFX amps]
Ambient Endeavors
The Dumble sounds. | Universal Audio Enigmatic 82 Overdrive Special [UAFX amps]
Why do pedal aesthetics matter? Unbox the Hologram Special Edition 2024 Microcosm with me!
Ambient Endeavors
Why do pedal aesthetics matter? Unbox the Hologram Special Edition 2024 Microcosm with me!
Hagstrom 67 Viking II - a cool, vintage vibe hollow body guitar [from the Outlet!]
Ambient Endeavors
Hagstrom 67 Viking II - a cool, vintage vibe hollow body guitar [from the Outlet!]
My 5 favorite YouTube gear channels! | Content creators you should know about.
Ambient Endeavors
My 5 favorite YouTube gear channels! | Content creators you should know about.
Rivolta Mondo Combinata Baritone | I think I’m a baritone fan now.
Ambient Endeavors
Rivolta Mondo Combinata Baritone | I think I’m a baritone fan now.
Why do some pedal brands exist in anonymity? | Blackskycraft Unusual EAS & Sunbros Reverb
Ambient Endeavors
Why do some pedal brands exist in anonymity? | Blackskycraft Unusual EAS & Sunbros Reverb
Tycho inspired guitar tones with just two pedals | Templo Devices Reel Dealuxe & Strymon Big Sky MX
Ambient Endeavors
Tycho inspired guitar tones with just two pedals | Templo Devices Reel Dealuxe & Strymon Big Sky MX
What makes an amp a good pedal platform? | Exploring the Supro Keeley Custom 12 Amp
Ambient Endeavors
What makes an amp a good pedal platform? | Exploring the Supro Keeley Custom 12 Amp
UAFX ANTI - From clean to unhinged! | An ambient guitar player's take. | UA Pedals High Gain Amp
Ambient Endeavors
UAFX ANTI - From clean to unhinged! | An ambient guitar player's take. | UA Pedals High Gain Amp
Add real tube life to your direct rig! | Tubesteader Magnezium | Dual Channel Tube Preamp
Ambient Endeavors
Add real tube life to your direct rig! | Tubesteader Magnezium | Dual Channel Tube Preamp
Guild Surfliner Deluxe vs Reverend Double Agent OG - Comparing two great sub-$1000 guitars
Ambient Endeavors
Guild Surfliner Deluxe vs Reverend Double Agent OG - Comparing two great sub-$1000 guitars
Re-introducing the Ace Tone Fuzz Master FM-3 sound | Evil Eye FX WARG Hi-Gain Fuzz
Ambient Endeavors
Re-introducing the Ace Tone Fuzz Master FM-3 sound | Evil Eye FX WARG Hi-Gain Fuzz
Source Audio Artifakt Lo-Fi Pedal | My 5 favorite things about Artifakt
Ambient Endeavors
Source Audio Artifakt Lo-Fi Pedal | My 5 favorite things about Artifakt
What have I done to my Gretsch!? | 5 Mods For Your Gretsch Streamliner
Ambient Endeavors
What have I done to my Gretsch!? | 5 Mods For Your Gretsch Streamliner
TEFI Malinconia, Couch Electronics Baker's Dozen & ALABS Cetus Reverb | Pedals You Should Know
Ambient Endeavors
TEFI Malinconia, Couch Electronics Baker's Dozen & ALABS Cetus Reverb | Pedals You Should Know
Nova Go Sonic vs a traditional electric guitar - how does it compare?
Ambient Endeavors
Nova Go Sonic vs a traditional electric guitar - how does it compare?
Mask Audio Electronics Part Garden Germanium
Ambient Endeavors
Mask Audio Electronics Part Garden Germanium
What's new with the Fender Player II Series | Fender Player II Jazzmaster and Precision Bass
Ambient Endeavors
What's new with the Fender Player II Series | Fender Player II Jazzmaster and Precision Bass
Why you need a 5 watt amp (and some of my current favorites).
Ambient Endeavors
Why you need a 5 watt amp (and some of my current favorites).
Is this THE acoustic guitar for beginners? | Enya NOVA GO SP1 Review
Ambient Endeavors
Is this THE acoustic guitar for beginners? | Enya NOVA GO SP1 Review
Glou-Glou Flancher 9 Analog Modulator | Stereo Analog Flanger
Ambient Endeavors
Glou-Glou Flancher 9 Analog Modulator | Stereo Analog Flanger
The perfect modern take on tape echo? | Coffee Shop Pedals London Fog Stereo Tape Delay
Ambient Endeavors
The perfect modern take on tape echo? | Coffee Shop Pedals London Fog Stereo Tape Delay
What makes the Matchless Lightning so special? | I Love Amps - Part 1
Ambient Endeavors
What makes the Matchless Lightning so special? | I Love Amps - Part 1
Morgan Amps AC5 might be my new favorite small tube amp! | mini AC30 tones
Ambient Endeavors
Morgan Amps AC5 might be my new favorite small tube amp! | mini AC30 tones
Beautiful Noise When The Sun Explodes | Thick tones w/ Rivolta Combinata Baritone & Hiwatt DR20/0.5
Ambient Endeavors
Beautiful Noise When The Sun Explodes | Thick tones w/ Rivolta Combinata Baritone & Hiwatt DR20/0.5
Paul C Timmy has a! | Paul C Audio Zefram
Ambient Endeavors
Paul C Timmy has a! | Paul C Audio Zefram
FANO JM6 Alt De Facto | The last Jazzmaster you'll buy?
Ambient Endeavors
FANO JM6 Alt De Facto | The last Jazzmaster you'll buy?
Pedals You Should Know - Vol. 4 | Case Study Compressor, Design-A-Drive, Alabs Orbital, Kodex Audio
Ambient Endeavors
Pedals You Should Know - Vol. 4 | Case Study Compressor, Design-A-Drive, Alabs Orbital, Kodex Audio
My love/hate relationship with Stratocasters | Rundown of all my Strats
Ambient Endeavors
My love/hate relationship with Stratocasters | Rundown of all my Strats
Am I making a big mistake? PRS S2 Vela Semi-Hollow Guitar
Ambient Endeavors
Am I making a big mistake? PRS S2 Vela Semi-Hollow Guitar
One of my FAVORITE overdrives reimagined! | Nordvang Custom Skyline Overdrive & Boost
Ambient Endeavors
One of my FAVORITE overdrives reimagined! | Nordvang Custom Skyline Overdrive & Boost
Gretsch G2622T Streamliner Semi-Hollow Guitar | Sound Samples
Ambient Endeavors
Gretsch G2622T Streamliner Semi-Hollow Guitar | Sound Samples
Watch this before you buy an Enya Nova Go Sonic! | Nova Go Sonic Review & Sound Samples
Ambient Endeavors
Watch this before you buy an Enya Nova Go Sonic! | Nova Go Sonic Review & Sound Samples
AC Noises RICORDA - Stereo Granular Reverb with Looper & Freeze (no talking)
Ambient Endeavors
AC Noises RICORDA - Stereo Granular Reverb with Looper & Freeze (no talking)
Blackstar Debut 50R Clean & Dirty - which do you choose!? #guitaramp #guitarplayer
Ambient Endeavors
Blackstar Debut 50R Clean & Dirty - which do you choose!? #guitaramp #guitarplayer
5 Problems the Line6 HELIX solves in 2024
Ambient Endeavors
5 Problems the Line6 HELIX solves in 2024
Great Eastern FX Co XO - An audio crossover for your pedalboard! [Guitar Demo]
Ambient Endeavors
Great Eastern FX Co XO - An audio crossover for your pedalboard! [Guitar Demo]
Just three pedals!? Live Ambient Guitar Looping [Happy Saturday!]
Ambient Endeavors
Just three pedals!? Live Ambient Guitar Looping [Happy Saturday!]
Flower Pedals Dahlia Analog Delay | The best compact, feature-rich stereo analog delay?
Ambient Endeavors
Flower Pedals Dahlia Analog Delay | The best compact, feature-rich stereo analog delay?
Who is the Enya Nova Go Sonic for? ...and how is it only $399!?
Ambient Endeavors
Who is the Enya Nova Go Sonic for? ...and how is it only $399!?
VONGON REPLAY Polyphonic Synth & Arpeggiator | Can I write a synth-pop track with it?!
Ambient Endeavors
VONGON REPLAY Polyphonic Synth & Arpeggiator | Can I write a synth-pop track with it?!
Walrus Audio Fundamental AMBIENT Reverb | A new standard in affordable ambient reverbs?
Ambient Endeavors
Walrus Audio Fundamental AMBIENT Reverb | A new standard in affordable ambient reverbs?
Ambient songwriting with the Line6 Helix [Feedbacker, Retro Reel, US Dripman NRM, and more!]
Ambient Endeavors
Ambient songwriting with the Line6 Helix [Feedbacker, Retro Reel, US Dripman NRM, and more!]
Gretsch G2655 Streamliner | Best budget-friendly semi-hollow? [Guitar Demo]
Ambient Endeavors
Gretsch G2655 Streamliner | Best budget-friendly semi-hollow? [Guitar Demo]
Pedals You Should Know Pedalboard Rundown! [VOL 3] | Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone 2, Mojo Hand & UA
Ambient Endeavors
Pedals You Should Know Pedalboard Rundown! [VOL 3] | Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone 2, Mojo Hand & UA
The 1975 tones with the Pacifica Standard Plus #pacifica #yamahaguitars #delaypedal #stratocaster
Ambient Endeavors
The 1975 tones with the Pacifica Standard Plus #pacifica #yamahaguitars #delaypedal #stratocaster
Instant John Mayer tones? | Tubesteader Lightkeeper V2 DEMO
Ambient Endeavors
Instant John Mayer tones? | Tubesteader Lightkeeper V2 DEMO
The best Pacifica yet? | Yamaha Pacifica Standard Plus Review
Ambient Endeavors
The best Pacifica yet? | Yamaha Pacifica Standard Plus Review
Three things I learned about ring modulator pedals | Warm Audio RINGER BRINGER Demo
Ambient Endeavors
Three things I learned about ring modulator pedals | Warm Audio RINGER BRINGER Demo
U2’s The Edge tones in 3 easy steps! #ambientguitar #guitarpedals #mxrpedals
Ambient Endeavors
U2’s The Edge tones in 3 easy steps! #ambientguitar #guitarpedals #mxrpedals
Can digital delays sound analog? | Weehbo GENKS Modulated Delay
Ambient Endeavors
Can digital delays sound analog? | Weehbo GENKS Modulated Delay
Orangewood Guitars Juniper Rubber Bridge Guitar | Preview
Ambient Endeavors
Orangewood Guitars Juniper Rubber Bridge Guitar | Preview
The NEW Yamaha Pacifica Standard Plus - Preview [NAMM 2024 Release]
Ambient Endeavors
The NEW Yamaha Pacifica Standard Plus - Preview [NAMM 2024 Release]
OOPS! Only Intros - Volume 01 - Intro Track Playlist!
Ambient Endeavors
OOPS! Only Intros - Volume 01 - Intro Track Playlist!
Is this the best delay money can buy!? - Walrus Audio Meraki Analog Delay
Ambient Endeavors
Is this the best delay money can buy!? - Walrus Audio Meraki Analog Delay
Pedals You Should Know: Volume 2 | Twilight Pulse, ALABS Audio, UA Starlight, Jet Pedals Revelation
Ambient Endeavors
Pedals You Should Know: Volume 2 | Twilight Pulse, ALABS Audio, UA Starlight, Jet Pedals Revelation
Homenoise More or Less Hi-Fi Tone Shaper & Boost
Ambient Endeavors
Homenoise More or Less Hi-Fi Tone Shaper & Boost
BOSS RV-200 - Ambient, Shoegaze & Experimental Sounds
Ambient Endeavors
BOSS RV-200 - Ambient, Shoegaze & Experimental Sounds
Supro Tremolo - the most amp-like tremolo out there? [and one heck of an overdrive too!]
Ambient Endeavors
Supro Tremolo - the most amp-like tremolo out there? [and one heck of an overdrive too!]