Synopsis: The adventure action movie "Ghost Blows Out the Light, Abyss Under South Sea 鬼吹燈之南海歸墟" tells the story of the tomb-raiding lieutenant Hu Bayi and his companions, who, after retiring from the underworld, assist their friend Uncle Ming in salvaging pearls in the South China Sea. Unexpectedly, they encounter a shipwreck and fall to the bottom of the sea, but accidentally discover the remains of a thousand-year-old ancient country sunk on the seabed. They experience many hardships on the seabed, and finally unite to defeat the deep-sea monster, and cleverly use the mechanical devices in the ruins to escape.
故事简介: 探险动作电影《鬼吹灯之南海归墟 Ghost Blows Out the Light, Abyss Under South Sea》讲述摸金校尉胡八一等人,在金盆洗手后协助友人明叔前往南海打捞珍珠,不料遭遇海难、坠入海底,却意外发现了一个沉没在海底的千年古国遗迹,他们在海底历经了重重艰险,最终团结合作战胜深海巨兽,并巧妙利用遗迹内的机关装置逃生。
出品 Studio: 新片场影业 New Studio Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 吴斌 Wu Bin.
导演 Directed by: 项秋良 Xiang Qiuliang, 项河生 Xiang Hesheng.
编剧 Screenplay by: 许少飞 Xu Shaofei
主演 Starring: 王紫逸 Wang Ziyi, 夏若妍 Xia Ruoyan, 韩烨洲 Han Yezhou, 骆达华 Ken Lok.
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #探险 #adventure
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