AKB48 End Roll (エンドロール)
K5 - Saka Agari Stage (逆上がり)
[Request Hour 2010-2014 Mix] + Stage
-20th RH 2010
-44th RH 2011
-51st RH 2012
-69th RH 2013
-135th RH 2014
#akb48 #oshimayuko #umedaayaka #akb48sakaagari #akb48teamk #akb48requesthour #takahashiminami #maedaatsuko #matsuijurina #shinodamariko #kojimaharuna #itanotomomi #watanabemayu #kashiwagiyuki #sashihararino #minegishiminami
Team K Version :
Umeda Ayaka (Umechan) ⭐WC
Oshima Yuko (Yuko) ⭐WC
Noro Kayo (Nontii)
Matsubara Natsumi (Nattsumii)
••ps : anyway sorry if there are any stages I missed. it's because I prioritized OG/didn't have the disc or I just plain forgot and missed it••
Ofc, "All the videos, songs, audios and images used in the video belong to their respective owners.” This is only a form of support for them.
Copyright © AKB48
info by stage48
edited by me : minagonchan