故事簡介:青春愛情電影《校花股神 Campus Queen of Stock》講述了國民好男友張潮歷經千辛萬苦追到女友週詩敏,沒想到股市大熱,週詩敏全身心投入,還結識了號稱投資界翹楚的張震宇,週詩敏為了得到炒股的一手資源,出賣了身體,拋棄了張潮,但最後依然一事無成被張震宇拋棄。失去一切的周詩敏悔不當初,欲跳樓自殺,這才知道張潮的用心良苦…
Synopsis: The youth film "Campus Queen of Stock 校花股神" tells the story of Zhou Shimin, a girl student who abandoned her studies and her boyfriend because of her obsession with stock speculation. Finally, sheue was yre and sheue understand the advantages and disadvantages of stock speculation and got on the right track of life.
出品 Studio: 上海凡酷 Funcola Media.
導演 Directed by: 王勇 Wang Yong.
主演 Starring: 陳佳佳 Chen Jiajia, 李可凡 Li Kefan.
題材 Genres: 愛情 #romance 青春 #youth
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