Thank you for watching! 🌽
It's a morning on a holiday just before Golden Week (National Holiday's)☕️
As the consecutive holidays approach, I feel a sense of relaxation. Although I've been busy since the beginning of the year, it feels like I'm going to finally have a good break. 😊
I was able to visit Costco, which I've been wanting to go to for a long time, and I enjoyed cooking various dishes with the items I bought. 😸
🌹1.5 million subscribers🌹
I sincerely appreciate everyone who has subscribed to my channel.
Thank you so much! 💗
I receive strength and encouragement from you every day, and it's your support that keeps me making VLOGs.
Although there are many areas where I need to improve, I'll do my best to make better videos!
Thank you for your continued support. 😊
▶️ Index
00:00 Wake up
00:31 Skincare and cleaning the sink area
02:57 Kitchen reset
03:39 Diary
05:37 Laundry
07:24 Salmon cream cheese baguette
10:03 Costco
11:30 Costco purchases
13:30 Shrimp chili, egg, and sakura dori bean thread soup
17:16 Bedtime
19:08 Strawberry Mont Blanc
22:03 Shrimp jelly set, chicken roll fry, and sprout cabbage burger
28:01 To my channel subscribers
▶️ Items
Light blue loungewear: Peach John
Black collared knit: Index
Gray tulle skirt: Mila Owen
Border loungewear: SHEIN
Pink gown: AMPHI
Light blue blouse: &.NOSTALGIA
Apron: Amebeaute
Black skirt: NOLLEY'S
Night Routine
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Room Tour
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I'm Nami, living alone in Tokyo. Tokyo is full of sparkling things, but let's live at my own pace! That's the motto of "Nami no Kurashi." It's a vlog documenting my ordinary daily life, where I don't have any special skills or abilities. I would be delighted if you could watch it leisurely. If you don't mind, please turn on notifications 🔔
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Thank you very much for your warm comments 💛 I apologize for not being able to keep up with replies 💦 I truly appreciate the tremendous