This is a lovely way to create a beautiful table-top Christmas Tree that you can personalize in whatever way you want! Once you know how to build the armature you are all set to set your inner creative free... using greenery or any kind of long boa (tinsel, feather...), chunky yarn, fabric... anything that you could easily wrap to form the base to decorate!
Just remember that the thinner the element you wrap, the thinner the tree... the chunkier the element the fatter the tree. My tree is chunky because the small branches of my greener stuck out 4". I like a nice fat tree so this worked for me. You want a skinnier tree look then go for something that adds to the base diameter less than that!
As for decorating... here you can go in any direction you choose. Certainly baubles of any kind and colour but ribbons, florals, pics, toys... anything works!
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