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休日の遅起き|ゆっくりのんびり過ごす暖かい布団で二度寝から始まる休日のルーティン A Lazy Morning Starting with a Cozy Snooze | Japan VLOG

Thank you for watching 🍊
I’ve listed the detailed recipes and items below 🍀

Please turn on Subtitle in the Settings.
I used an automatic translator, so I apologize if there are any mistakes.

Broccoli: ¥229 (~$1.53)
Lotus root: ¥138 (~$0.92)
Bean sprouts: ¥28 (~$0.19)
Cucumbers (2): ¥138 (~$0.92)
Chinese chives: ¥198 (~$1.32)
Maitake mushrooms: ¥128 (~$0.85)
Shimeji mushrooms: ¥118 (~$0.79)
Ground chicken: ¥304 (~$2.03)
Chikuwa (fish cakes): ¥219 (~$1.46)
Penne pasta: ¥119 (~$0.79)
Mayonnaise: ¥228 (~$1.52)

I've noted down the prices of the ingredients used in this video🤭📝
When I first started cooking, I remember broccoli being as low as ¥98 (~$0.65)…
It’s interesting to look back at older videos and feel the difference in prices.
Bean sprouts haven’t changed in price, though... a great friend of the household budget! 🌿


▶ Index
00:00 Waking up and stretching
01:25 Hydration
02:03 Makeup
02:40 Cleaning
04:09 Kitchen reset
04:45 Shopping haul
07:32 Prepping vegetable side dishes
11:59 Strolling at Mizumoto Park
15:08 Eating out at the shopping street
17:34 Tea time
18:17 Dinner
24:40 How to eat donuts without getting your hands dirty
25:33 Persimmon cream mochi
30:05 Candle painting


▶ Recipe
*Stamina stir-fry with Chinese chives and bean sprouts*
1 bunch of Chinese chives
1 bag of bean sprouts
100g pork (thinly sliced)
2 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste
Cornstarch as needed
1 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp mirin
1/2 tsp chicken bouillon powder

*Stir-fried lotus root and broccoli*
200g lotus root
1 head of broccoli
3 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp soy sauce
Grated garlic

*Chikuwa and cucumber in soy sauce marinade*
Chikuwa (fish cakes)
Soy sauce
Chili peppers

*Cucumber nori rolls*
Nori (seaweed)
Sesame oil

*Sweet and savory chicken meatballs*
300g ground chicken
1/4 onion
Grated ginger
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp chicken bouillon powder
Shimeji mushrooms (for garnish)

*Stir-fried mushrooms*
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp sake
1 tbsp mirin
2 tsp soy sauce
1.5 tbsp ponzu sauce
1/2 tsp chicken bouillon powder

*One-pan penne pasta*
200g penne pasta
1/2 onion
1 can tuna
1 can tomato
Olive oil
2 tsp bouillon powder
2 tsp sugar
400cc water
Salt and pepper to taste
Chili peppers (optional)

*Persimmon cream mochi*
50g glutinous rice flour
100g sugar
100ml water
Mix the ingredients, heat in the microwave at 600W for 2 minutes.
Take it out and stir.
Microwave at 600W for another 1 minute.
Roll out on cornstarch and flatten.

▶ Items
Transparent bowl: Raffina silicone bowl set with lid (7 pieces)
Pot and pan set with removable handles: MODORI

Brown pajamas: gelato pique
Pink knit: UNIQLO
Skirt: Mila Owen
Gray hoodie: GU
Gray set-up: GU
Beige knit set-up: SHEIN

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I'm Nami, living alone in Tokyo Japan. The name "Nami" has multiple meanings in Japanese. One interpretation is a girl's name, while the other meaning is "ordinary." Nami no Kurashi, or "Nami's life," combines these two meanings. Kurashi refers to daily life. I don't possess any exceptional skills, and my life consists of ordinary days. I hope you find enjoyment in sharing these simple, everyday moments wit
