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心地いい秋の朝に早起きする|朝6時から始まる1人暮らしの休日のルーティン|6AM Morning Routine Japan VLOG

Thank you for watching 🎃
Detailed recipes are provided below.
I would be delighted if you could take a look.

The days are getting shorter, and it’s starting to feel like autumn here in Japan. 🍂
During the summer, when I woke up early and stepped onto the balcony, it was already bright outside, and the city felt like it was awake.
I loved those energetic summer mornings, but I’m also happy to welcome back days that begin with the cool air of autumn.🤭

00:00 Wake up
01:56 Kitchen reset
07:46 Laundry
08:27 Creamy potato soup
13:05 Tidying up and light cleaning
14:33 Apple compote
16:14 Outing to Kappabashi Tool Street Festival
19:43 Purchases and tea time
21:16 Baked sweet potato ice cream
23:55 Bath time
25:48 Miso-marinated root vegetables and mushrooms, steak with clay pot rice, and leek and egg miso soup

*Creamy Potato Soup*
Potato, celery, carrot, green onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp consommé granules, 180ml water, 180ml milk, salt and pepper, 100ml fresh cream

*Apple Compote*
2 apples, 1 lemon, rosemary (I used dill as a substitute), 100g sugar, 50ml white wine, enough water to cover the apples
It keeps for 5 days in the fridge, and you can freeze it with the liquid for up to 1 month.

*Baked Sweet Potato Ice Cream*
150g baked sweet potato, 200ml milk, 1 tbsp maple syrup, walnuts

*Miso-Marinated Root Vegetables and Mushrooms*
Root vegetables and mushrooms, 2 tbsp miso, 8 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp olive oil, 4 tbsp amazake, 2 tbsp mustard, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper
This recipe has a strong tangy flavor.

*Steak with Clay Pot Rice*
Shiitake mushrooms, lotus root, maitake mushrooms, 2 tbsp sake, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp mirin, 2 tbsp white dashi (for 2 cups of rice)
Sauce: 1 clove each of grated garlic and ginger, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp ground sesame, 1 tbsp each sake, mirin, sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce
Top with chopped green onions and garlic chips

*Teriyaki Salmon*
1 tbsp soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp mirin, 1 tsp sugar

Clear bowls: Raffina Standing Bowl 7-piece set with silicone lids
Detachable handle pot and pan set: MODORI

*Day 1*
Pajamas: GU
Black knit: SHEIN
Skirt: Mila Owen
Loungewear: Franc Franc

*Room Tour*
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*Kitchen Goods*
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My name is Nami, and I live alone in Tokyo.
Tokyo is full of glittering lights, but I'm going to live my life at my own pace! That's the motto of my life, which I call “Nami no Kurashi” (an ordinary life).
I don't have any special skills or abilities, and I don't do anything special. This is a vlog about my ordinary life.
I hope you enjoy watching it.

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Thank you for your always warm comments 💛
I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to them all 💦
You give me so much supp
