"I’m staring at the stars in the roof, thinking about the things I want to do…"—a dream of possibility. "I’m dreaming of a life so true where I can be myself, not just a fool…"—a wish to be seen for who he truly is. Before transfusions, his energy is low. He can’t run as fast, play sports the same way, or always keep up. People have called him “slow.” But this song is his way of saying: I’m more than my condition. 🎶 The Other Side drops this week—let’s amplify Yaseen’s message! 🩸 Giving blood saves lives. 🩸❤️ Written in a session, The Other Side is now a mainstream track with a mission: raise awareness and inspire donations. 🚨 Donate blood, save lives #TheOtherSide #GiveBlood #StagecoachPerformingArts #MusicWithImpact #BetaThalassemia #SaveALife #BloodDonation #EDM