Festive Fragrances for the Holidays
Discounts & Affiliate Links:
🖤 Twisted Lily tidd.ly/3sKHvDf
Shop my curated Twisted Lily picks! tidd.ly/3UZdsoq
Twisted Lily Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
🖤 So Avant Garde so-avant-garde.com/
So Avant Garde Discount Code: ANNE20 for 20% off
*Mind Games is excluded from the code
🖤 D'or Prestige dorprestige.com/
D'or Prestige Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
*code works for everything except for Zaharoff brand
🖤 Luckyscent www.luckyscent.com/
Luckyscent Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
🖤 Jomashop Top Picks! www.jdoqocy.com/click-100918896-15577992
Fragrances Mentioned:
Xerjoff Starlight (Code ANNE10 for 10% off)
MFK Grand Soir
Ledda 18 Vanilla Nera
Narcotica Dulce Diablo (Code ANNE10 for 10% off)
Maissa Tobacco Elixir (Code ANNE30 for 30% off)
Maissa Holy Oud (code ANNE30 for 30% off)
EBK Ruby N Vanilla Intense
DM them on Instagram or email them at info@ebkparfums.com to purchase. They will send you an invoice you can pay through PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, etc. Shipping is free for any 100ml across the US and will be delivered within 2-3 days. They also offer a discovery set for purchase (free with your first 100ml order). My 100ml of DNDY was $285, discovery sets are $40. If you're looking for individual samples to purchase, you can find the majority of EBK fragrances on Etsy!
Une Nuit Nomade Sugar Leather (Code ANNE10 for 10% off)
Frassai Teisenddu
Mind Games Double Attack (Code ANNE10 for 10% off)
Lip Liner: Kylie Rosie
Lipstick: ABH Rosewood
Follow me on my social media!
Instagram: annelauren.fragrance
TikTok: annelauren.fragrance
For Business Inquiries only:
Check out my boyfriend's art page!
Instagram: _anti_ (double underscore, anti, double underscore)
Where do you purchase fragrance samples?
Twisted Lily, D'or Prestige, Luckyscent, Scent Split, & Fragrances Line mainly
Your name is spelled Anne but it's pronounced "Ah-na?"
It's Dutch 🇳🇱
Why don't you have a Dutch accent?
My parents are Dutch but I was born and raised in the U.S.
Where is your jewelry from?
Most of it is from Link'd the Label, Mejuri, & Nina Segal
Always feel free to chat with me and leave comments, questions, and suggestions :)!
Some of the links provided are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through the link, I earn a small commission. Thank you so much for your support!!! 🤍
#holidayperfumes #holidayfragrances #festivefragrances