This worked out so well last summer I wanted to get it going as soon as I could. We are going to have some more freezing weather but it will only be for brief periods of time. This Poposoap 20 watt solar pump does a great job of providing a nice flow of water into the bath.
This 20W Solar Powered Water Pump from POPOSOAP is just what I was looking for to put in my lotus pond. It has an adjustable flow rate and can pump 320gph when the sun is shinning brightly. The long 17'cord allows you to put the panel in the sun and the water feature in the shade. This is going to a lot of fun to play with.
#birds #birdwatching #nature
#poposoap#poposoapsolar#solarwaterpump #fountain #pond
#watergarden #waterfeatures #backyardpond