Thank you for watching!🎃
Detailed recipes, items etc. are listed here.
If you like, I would be happy if you could take a look.
I’m using automated translation. I apologize for any unnatural expressions or mistakes.
The oven microwave had a cracked baking tray, burnt marks on the top, and started to smoke.
For a long time, I had been stopping by electrical appliance stores and researching online to replace it,
I was finally able to get a new one.
I had been using it for nearly 20 years and had never even touched a new oven microwave, so
I'm surprised by the multi-functional performance of modern microwave ovens!
I wonder if I'll ever need a stove again?
It seems like I can make all sorts of dishes, so I'm looking forward to trying my hand at cooking a variety of dishes!
00:00 Return home
01:27 Replenish ingredients
04:00 Tea time
05:30 New microwave oven
04:46 Bath time
08:38 Dinner
15:58 Kitchen reset
16:19 Baking sweets
19:18 Washing clothes
20:05 Hand care
20:57 Diary
21:44 Cleaning the air conditioner and the electric fan
26:07 Halloween sweets party
【Meat Spaghetti Gratin】
Meat sauce
80g minced meat, 1/2 onion, 1 clove garlic
1 tbsp red wine, 130g whole tomatoes, 1 tbsp ketchup, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, nutmeg, 1/2 tbsp sugar, pinch of salt
White Sauce Pasta
80g pasta, 30g butter, 30g flour, 600ml milk, 2 tsp granulated consomme, pinch of salt
130g cheese, tomato, breadcrumbs
1/2 cup ground sesame seeds, 1/2 onion, 1 clove garlic, 2 tablespoons sugar, 100 ml vinegar, 125 ml soy sauce, 125 ml salad oil
【Pumpkin Cookies】
100g unsalted butter, pinch of salt, 60g sugar, 1 egg yolk, vanilla oil, 30g pumpkin powder, 180g cake flour
50ml water, 6g gelatin, 50g granulated sugar, 1 egg white, 3 drops vanilla essence
Transparent bowl: raffina Standing bowl silicone lid 7-piece set
Set of pots and pans with removable handles: MODORI
Day 1
Knit: GU
Skirt: green label relaxing
Jacket: GU
Pajamas: GU
Dog pajamas: gelato pique
Day 2
Set-up: GU
Room Tour
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Kitchen Goods
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My 6am routine
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Solo trip to Kyoto
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My name is Nami, and I live alone in Tokyo.
Tokyo is full of glittering lights, but I'm going to live my life at my own pace! That's the motto of my life, which I call “Nami no Kurashi” (an ordinary life).
I don't have any special skills or abilities, and I don't do anything special. This is a vlog about my ordinary life.
I hope you enjoy watching it.
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Thank you for your always warm comments 💛
I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to them all 💦
You give me so much suppor