Here is some art I like. They are paintings of Men Reclining and Sitting. I hope you like them too. I blurred out parts of some of them, but I found everything on the internet. So if you want to take a closer look at them, you can look for them online.
I would also like to mention that I do not make any money from my YouTube channel. I make these videos solely as a hobby and want to share the art I love with the world. I also hope that it encourages people to view more of the artists and possibly go to their website and buy something to support them.
01 Patrick Mizumoto - Studying You, Oil on Belgian linen.
02 Adrien Pelletier - Martin on his bed 2021.
03 Conrad Lustig - Seated male 2020, oil on canvas (my favorite).
04 Goran Zigolic - Male sitting pose 2023.
05 Michael Leonard - Shawn Gato Branco 1971.
06 Emanuel Schongut - Blueboy.
07 Bob Bienpensant - Blue exposure.
08 Andre Serfontein - Shades of summer (detail).
09 Giorgio Dante - Atlas 2013, Oil on canvas.
10 Alan Spazzali - Male thinking (my favorite).
11 Matthew Allton - Male seated 2023.
12 Daniel Tofach (Israeli-Canadian artist) - Stiopa in the auditorium 2024.
13 Denis Sarazhin - Out of touch.
14 Francis (Frank) Owen Salisbury - Royal Academy School male studies.
15 Paul Cadmus - Male on chair 1969.
16 Denman Waldo Ross - Portrait of a seated young man 1911.
17 Hugues Balthasar - Sébastien (my favorite).
18 Marc DeBauch - Randall resting on bench 2021.
19 Claude-Noël Renaud - Painted figure 1851. Oil on canvas.
20 Len Gridley Everett - Seated male 1974.
21 Jean-Noel Lavesvre - Shiva.
22 Nebojša Zdravković - Alba.
23 Chris Butler - Ralph asleep.
Check out my others!!!
Here are the links;
My Deviantart channel -
(Here I post my own ART.)
My blogspot -
(Here I post other paintings I like, that I found on internet. {city-, sea-, and landscapes} It's a bit like my private museum.)
My pinterest -
(Things I like on Pinterest.)
My Pixabay channel -
(Here I post the music & soundFX I make for my video's.)
My tumblr -
(On here I have pictures & GIF's I like from Tumblr.)
My Cara platform -
(Is a bit as my DiviantArt.)
And at last; I will never ask for anything, but because some of you ask for it!!
So I made an Amazon wishlist.
Amazon wishlist -….