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1人暮らし料理集|春夏秋冬を共にした28個の簡単レシピ| 28 Japanese Living Alone Recipes VLOG

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As we approach the end of 2023, here's a collection of dishes I've made and enjoyed in my solo living space. Throughout the year, these meals, prepared with a mix of emotions, have not only satisfied my hunger but also provided comfort and refreshment. ☺

00:00 Quick Simmered Chicken, Turnips, and Soft-Boiled Egg・Carrot Galette
   • 【ナイトルーティン】寒い日は早く帰って家にこもる休日のvlog Winte...  

05:25 Skillet-cooked Hamburg Steak with Ufu Mayo Sauce・Carrot Dressing Salad
   • 【What I eat in a week】1人暮らし1週間の夜ごはんLi...  

09:19 Rice Ball Onigiri from a Clay Pot・Mentaiko Egg Roll    • 【朝活ルーティン】23時に寝て朝5時半に起きるための休日の習慣 5:30a...  

13:34 Sticky Rice Dumplings・Deep Fried Croquettes・Cheese Over Spring Vegetable White Miso
   • 【朝5時半】寒い冬の暗い朝から1日を始める休日のモーニングルーティン|5a...  

22:48 Rolled Cabbage with Meat・Clay Pot Rice with Whole New Onions
   • 【キッチン作り】IKEAのアイテムで整理整頓して居心地のいいキッチンを作る...  

28:06 Cheese Dakgalbi・Jeon (Korean Pancakes)
   • 【平日朝6時】いい一日をスタートする春のモーニングルーティン 6AM Mo...  

32:54 Garlic Shoots Wrapped in Meat・Soy Sauce-pickled Egg Yolk and Scallop Carpaccio
   • 【1人暮らしの温かな休日】リセットするための週末のルーティン|Warm H...  

36:04 Soba Inari・Sardine Rolls
   • 【模様替え】部屋の家具を全て移動させて気分を変える1人暮らしのVLOG|京...  

40:54 Octopus Hot Dog・Edamame
   • 【1人暮らしの休日】朝5時に起きてベランダに小さな家庭菜園を作って外でご飯...  

45:04 Salmon and Mushroom Clay Pot Rice・Dashimaki Tamago・Nameko Miso Soup
   • 【朝5時半】掃除がはかどる1人暮らしの頑張らない休日の早起きモーニングルー...  

51:12 Thick-cut French Toast
   • 夏の終わりにやること|一人暮らしの秋を迎える準備|Living alone...  

53:10 Lemon Chicken・Potage Soup・Mandarin Orange and Cheese Salad
1:00:21 Sweet Potato Tempura with Grated Daikon and Soba
   • 【仕送り】大量の食材をコツコツ料理して食べる1人暮らしの日常VLOG Li...  

1:02:54 Boiled Egg Croquette
   • キッチンの整理|1人暮らしの冷蔵庫をダイソーのアイテムで収納する休日|Ki...  

1:08:37 Chicken Nanban Soba
   • 【引っ越し】物で溢れた部屋の引っ越しと買い物をして片づける1人暮らしの休日...  

Instagram: [www.instagram.com/naminokurashi/]

Hi, it's Nami, living alone in Tokyo. While Tokyo is full of glittering things, my motto is to live my life at my own pace! "Nami no Kurashi" is a vlog documenting my ordinary daily life. No special skills or extraordinary feats here—just the simple moments. I hope you enjoy watching. If you like, please turn on notifications with the bell icon 🔔.

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Thank you for all the warm comments! I apologize for not being able to respond promptly. Your support means a lot to me.
