Thank you for watching!🦐
You can find detailed recipes and items here.
This VLOG starts on January 1st.
I slowly enjoyed each piece of osechi, a traditional Japanese New Year dish with symbolic foods, feeling both my body and mind calm and happy.
Osechi is made to last, as it’s believed to allow the year’s god (Toshigami-sama) to rest without disruption, avoid using fire to honor the stove god, and give busy women a break. 🤭
That said, I still have a long way to go before I can enjoy New Year’s without using knives, fire, or cleaning... 😇
I craved fresh air, so I went to the movies on New Year’s Day and watched Grand Maison Paris 🍴
The delicious food in the film made me hungry again on the first day of the year. 😋
00:00 New calendar
01:24 Making New Year's decorations with mizuhiki and ozoni
03:37 New Year's party with osechi dishes
05:28 Simple cleaning
06:47 Handmade magnets
09:21 Home café
11:51 New Year's Day movie and walk
13:14 Temari Sushi and Osechi Ramen
18:18 Return to parents' house
19:23 Unpacking and opening Christmas presents
24:09 Making beds and dreaming of the New Year
Day 1
Coat: Mila Owen
Shoes: PLST
Loungewear: gelato pique
Pink gown: SNIDEL HOME
Room Tour
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Making up a New Year's Eve meal
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Year-end cleaning
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I’m Nami, living alone in Tokyo.
Tokyo is filled with glitter and excitement, but I live at my own pace with the motto of “ordinary living,” which is a play on words in Japanese with my name, Nami.
I don’t have any particular skills or do anything extraordinary—this is a vlog about everyday, ordinary life.
I hope you enjoy watching at your leisure.
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Thank you always for your kind comments 💛
I’m sorry I can’t always reply, but your words mean so much to