利用したサーバー: wtserver2
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500万円当たるスクラッチでまさか(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ 【ワンピース宝くじ】 PDS

PDS LINE Stamp 2 is on sale now↓

Equipment used by Dante

Camera: GH5S amzn.to/3BPCCRx

Wifi router: amzn.to/48dtSk0

Dante's recommended muscle-related products

Protein: amzn.to/4f5Pxgv

Amino acids: amzn.to/4dOZMVo

Vitamins: amzn.to/3YbSUeL

Dante's recommended foods

I eat green curry every week. amzn.to/3BMBcr3

Cola: amzn.to/4h23Q7s

If you use PDS videos on TikTok or Twitter, you can upload clips of videos, including past ones! I'd really like you to spread the word, please m(._.)m I want to go to 1000 million people next year m(._.)m

8 minutes of just being there PDS free material ↓
   • フリーPDS  8分間居るだけ素材  

1 minute and a half of just laughing PDS free material ↓
   • フリーPDS  1分半笑ってる素材  

Laughing collection PDS free material ↓
   • フリーPDS   笑ってる素材集   

POP channel ↓
   / @popola8972  
Instagram PDS ↓

PDS twitter twitter.com/paindante17

Game CH youtube.com/user/PDSGames4649

Kevin MacLeod


Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc…

Artist: incompetech.com/

To send a letter or present, please go to: 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6228 Midtown Tower 28th floor UUUM Co., Ltd. PDS To God, I'm sorry, but you can no longer send food or anything to anyone other than me..

I made a playlist of videos so you can easily watch the ones you want to watch!!↓

[1000 yen vending machine & establishment machine] Playlist↓

   • 1000円ガチャでPS4が出るまで買い続けた結果!?  PDS  

[Princess Quail Diary] Playlist↓

   • 姫ウズラの卵でプリン作ってみた!!【自給自足】 PDS  

[Silly Experiment Series] Playlist↓

   • リカちゃんの髪をパイプユニッシュで溶かす!!【実験】 PDS  

[I Tried Making Series] Playlist↓

   • 巨大なおマタでカルメ焼きを作ってみた!!  PDS  

[Educational Candy Series Kracie - popin' cookin] Playlist↓
   • Kracie - popin' cookin (soft cream) た...  

[Watermelon Series] Playlist↓
   • 11キロのスイカを豪華に食べてみた(´Д` ) PDS  

[Cat POP Series] Playlist↓
   • 猫 POPシリーズ  

[UFO Catcher] Live list ↓

   • UFOキャッチャー  

[Mamachari trip]         Playlist ↓

   • ママチャリの旅  

[Game commentary]           Playlist ↓

   • 【マインクラフト】PC版を始めました!#1 PDS  

[Music video music PV MV】 Playlist↓

   • 【MV】パン工場 Pan koujo PDS  

【Sketches, dramas, farces】 Playlist↓

   • バレンタインなんてクソくらえ! PDS  

【Cutting your hair alone series .PDS Beauty Salon】 Playlist↓

   • 【一人で散髪】ザックエフロン風髪型にしてみたはず.. PDS  

【Muscle training series, macho meals】 Playlist↓

   • 一か月筋トレ生活1日目 Stripe tray life for one ...  

【Prank on my brother Series] Playlist↓

   • 兄貴にドッキリ! a prank on my big brother PDS  

[PDS Cooking Series] Playlist↓

   • 料理 (Cooking)  

[Big Brother PDR Series] Playlist↓

   • まるで恵方巻ロール 兄貴出演 My big brother PDS  

[PDS Collaboration with Various YouTubers] Playlist↓

   • サシマンとPDS株式会社コラボ  

[Minecraft 】  Playlist↓

   • 【マインクラフト】PC版を始めました!#1 PDS  

【Monster Strike】  Playlist↓

   • 【モンスト】悪魔組曲ガチャ6回引いた!! PDS  

【GTA5 Grand Theft Auto Playlist↓

   • 【GTA5】オンライン始めたよーー! PDS  

Puzzle & Dragons Playlist↓

   • 久々にパズドラをやってみた! PDS  

Nobita's Biohazard Playlist↓

   • Video  

I'll introduce myself for those who are seeing me for the first time!!

My name is Pain Dante Shonosuke P D I'm S!!

Born July 27, 1993, in England.


During my childhood, I went back and forth between Japan and England, and my Japanese and English became a mess. From birth until the first grade of elementary school, I was as smart as an average person, but in the second half of that year, I realized I was stupid!! The girl sitting next to me couldn't write the number 8, so she bullied me and I stopped going to school!! I couldn't keep up with the studies, so m...
