早前JW主唱「喜愛夜蒲3」的主題曲《Feel The Bass》MV在網絡旋出登上熱門搜尋,成為一度夜蒲熱話。 2014年JW的 全新派台歌《I Need A Friend》再度掀起一股新世代【舞風】,聯同多位美國著名音樂人打造一首別出心裁的舞曲,講述每個人也有對朋友的需求,在繁華的鬧市中,寂寞的都市人更需要一個交心好友。在《I Need A Friend》的MV中,JW將會以多個至潮形象示人,由近期爆紅,曾為周迅、鄭秀文與蔡卓妍等紅星設計造型的星級形象指導馬天佑一手包辦,MV也由他處女執導,更找來「狂舞派」排舞師麥秋成先生合作,務必帶動全城熱血沸騰!
→收聽及下載I Need A Friend:
iTunes: bit.ly/1haeJmT
YouTube: bit.ly/1kwkSrj
KKBOX: bit.ly/1hlYKw6
MOOV: t.cn/8kUszIA
MusicOne: bit.ly/1hGQo6K
I Need A Friend
作曲:Philip Michael Moog / 雷頌德
作詞:Philip Michael Moog / Kimberly Cole / G. Jacobo Pablo Garcia / 周沂
編曲:Philip Michael Moog
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
That'll call me up to go out after work
Don't need no friend
That'll have me spending all my time with jerks
I need a friend
That won't have a problem picking up the cheque
I need a friend
That will pull me out the club when I'm a wreck
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
趁~未飲醉 跳得盡興終於都有點累
要~彈出去 酒精混進汗液中不想喝水
*I need a friend
貪玩得驚 不可飲醉怕過有病
I need a friend
全程狂笑 我東歪西倒多幾次
I need a friend
只管飲得 好開心不怪我幼稚
I need a friend
用力地跳 傷心歌曲都不想聽
Ur just a hot mess
Whack dress
My girls ain't impressed
Can fight all night
Got Swag?
Yeah right
I need a friend
That'll talk smack when they're right in front of me
I need a friend
That'll let me be the bitch I wanna be
I need a friend
That'll let me know I'm hot when I am not
I need a friend
That'll keep on pushing till they hit the spot
我未累 在等你扮玩具 氹我開心笑翻天放棄焦慮
舞吧跳吧 我就不戴著面具 完全未怕被認出當街插隊
Repeat *
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
I need a friend
恐怕錯過 這全城多好玩那派對 不要落後
得你至會 把我當知己損友戰友 不怕出醜
I need a friend
That'll let me be the freak I wanna to be
I need a friend
That'll ain't acting like they're pushing 53
I need a friend
Who can pick me up when I've just fallen down
I need a friend
Who will understand sometimes
I just don't need them around
Repeat *
Could u be that friend
Could u be that friend
Could u be that friend
Could u be that friend
JW Facebook: www.facebook.com/jwamusichk
JW Weibo: weibo.com/u/3169368277
Amusic Official Website: www.amusic.hk/
Amusic Facebook: www.facebook.com/Paciwood.AMusic
Amusic 微博: weibo.com/paciwoodamusic