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It's Rocoma!

This time, the contents of all of Rocoma's private bags were checked randomly><

In this bag contents introduction (bag contents check), we check the things that Rocoma actually uses, in a "what's in my bag" style, as she uses them so often that she doesn't even want to remember what's in them!

Mom gets mad when money that seems to have been stolen from one bag comes out! ? And then, something unbelievable comes out of Rocoma's cram school bag, which is being revealed for the first time...lol I hope you'll check it out until the end!

If you like this video or find it interesting, please click the like button and subscribe to the channel☆

▼Other recommended videos are here!
A big incident occurred in a bag left behind after use... Deroko did a surprise check of the contents of all the bags she normally uses...
   • 使った後放置してたかばんの中で大事件が発生…。抜き打ちでろこが普段使ってる...  

I've been using more cosmetics than before, and I've been doing more makeup steps, so for the first time in about a year, I've changed my makeup every day!    • 前よりコスメの数も増え、メイクの工程も増えたまこと約1年ぶりに毎日メイクを...  

[This is the first time I've ever seen this] When a producer who had come up with a plan came to my house without one, an argument between Roko and Mama started...
   • 【こんなことは初めて】企画を考えてるないPが企画を持ってこずに家に来たら、...  

[One laugh per item] If you order an item on Uber Eats and have to tell a funny story from your daily life that's not even in Rokomako Ako's videos...lol [All-you-can-eat Uber]
   • 【1商品1笑い】商品を1つ頼むごとにろこまこあこの動画にもなってない日常の...  

I'll also reveal some of the everyday incidents that viewers don't know about in the house I used to live in...lol. I'll show you every nook and cranny of Rokomako Ako's current house before we move! [Room Tour]
   • 住んでた家での視聴者さんが知らない日常での事件も暴露…www引越し直前の最...  

Ako has gotten better at makeup, so I tried changing my makeup for the first time in a year and it was so funny lol

I'm spending money on things other than PayPay and my wallet, and there's a boy in my camera roll...? We did a surprise check of the contents of Roko's smartphone...
   • PayPayや財布以外にお金を使ってたり、カメラロールに男の子が…?抜き打...  

It's almost time to move, but Roko keeps running away, so we're asking her to declutter the contents of her dresser... [Cosmetics decluttering]
   • そろそろ引越しなのに逃げ続けるろこにドレッサーの中身を断捨離してもらいます...  

[Episode 6] The three Roko, Mako, and Ako sisters try on clothes they bought but were too embarrassed to wear lol
   • 【第6回】ろこまこあこの3姉妹が買ったけど恥ずかしくて着てない服着てみた結...  

To check how much stuff they have before moving, we raided Mako and Ako's room and asked her to show us around... lol [Room tour]
   • 引越し前に物がどれだけあるか調査するために、まこあこの部屋に突撃して部屋紹...  

The summer vacation homework is a mess... We followed Roko, Mako, and Ako for a day on the last day of summer vacation filming! [Daily routine]
   • 夏休みの宿題が色々やばい…。夏休み最後の撮影日のろこまこあこに1日密着して...  

We did a surprise check on the contents of Deroco's private BeReal... [BeReal.]
   • 抜き打ちでろこのプライベートなビーリアルの中身チェックをしてみた結果…【B...  

▼Check out the 3 sisters' channels here!
Roco Mako Ako Channel
   / @rocomacoaco  

▼ Roco's TikTok (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's TikTok subaccount (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's Instagram (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's Twitter (managed by mother)

▼ 3 sisters' Instagram

▼ Mako's Instagram (managed by mother)
www.instagram.c/ om/macomacomacorun/

▼Ako's Instagram (managed by my mother)

▼The three sisters' TikTok

▼Mako's TikTok (managed by my mother)

▼Mako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)

▼Ako's TikTok (managed by my mother)

▼Ako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)

▼For inquiries about videos (YouTube projects, advertisements, etc.), please contact here! info@rocomacoaco.biz

▼Music used, etc.
*May not be used depending on the video.
Sound effects:
Sound Effect Lab – soundeffect-lab.info/
OtoLogic − otologic.jp/
Free BGM and music: DOVA-SYNDROME − dova-s.jp/

