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In December, we are all thinking about Christmas gifts, New Year's gifts, rewarding ourselves for the year...
It seems like all I can think about is gifts 🤭.
One by one, more and more gifts are piling up in my room.
I put lights on my houseplants, put a Christmas cross on my chair, and decorate it with knick-knacks,
I turned one corner of the room into a little Christmas corner, using the bottom of the room as a gift storage space.
Every time it caught my eye, I thought of the person to whom I was giving the gift,
What will the recipient's reaction be? I was thrilled and excited.
It was also a moment that warmed my heart.
I hope to decorate my room with a Christmas tree someday 🎄.
00:00 Christmas market
00:39 Home
03:29 Dinner
07:07 Bath
08:05 Tea time
11:59 Black Friday purchases
15:25 Sealing wax
18:24 Brunch
25:09 Gift wrapping
32:54 Evening meal
43:13 Chocolate house
Seiro Aqua Pazza
Seafood of your choice
1 small tomato
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon white wine
1 thin slice of lemon
1 thin slice of garlic
Steam in a seiro (earthenware pot) for 12 to 15 minutes.
Earthen pot miso ramen
400㏄ soup stock
1 tablespoon mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)
1 teaspoon chicken stock
Add ingredients of your choice and simmer.
Finally, add butter and boiled Chinese noodles.
Transparent bowl: raffina standing bowl, silicone lid, 7-piece set
Pot and pan set with removable handles: MODORI
Tabletop stove: Dr.Howes
Day 1
Skirt: ZARA
Check pajamas: MUJI
Pink pajamas: Franc Franc
2nd day
Loungewear: gelato pique
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I'm Nami, living alone in Tokyo Japan. The name "Nami" has multiple meanings in Japanese. One interpretation is a girl's name, while the other meaning is "ordinary." Nami no Kurashi, or "Nami's life," combines these two meanings. Kurashi refers to daily life. I don't possess any exceptional skills, and my life consists of ordinary days. I hope you find enjoyment in sharing these simple, everyday moments with