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It's Rocomaco!
This time, we've expanded the types of makeup we use and for the first time in about a year, we've swapped our everyday makeup!
This time, we're swapping makeup, so Rocoma will do Rocoma's everyday makeup for Mako, and Makoa will do Rocoma's everyday makeup for Rocomaco!
In the makeup swap, we'll introduce each other's usual makeup steps and the cosmetics we use, so we hope it will be helpful to you! Rocomaco's makeup products have changed a lot since the last Rocomaco makeup swap!
After doing Rocomaco's makeup for the first time in a while, how does it look different from your usual self? Also, the walls of Roko's new room are thin, so she can hear a certain voice from next door...lol I hope you'll pay attention and watch until the end! ! ! !
If you think this video is good or interesting, please click the like button and subscribe to the channel☆
▼Other recommended makeup videos are here!
Ako and I have been getting better at makeup, so I tried swapping makeup every day for the first time in a year and it was so funny lol
• メイクが上達したあこと1年ぶりに毎日メイクを交換してみたら色々爆笑すぎたwww
A lot of talk about my sister's recent love life with the person she likes lol Roko, who is good at makeup, tried to explain my sister (Ako)'s daily makeup from the side...
• 最近の妹の好きな人との恋愛事情の話多めですwww妹(あこ)の毎日メイクをメ...
[It's hilarious for various reasons lol] Roko, who usually takes an hour to put on makeup, tried doing my mom's daily makeup, which usually takes 15 minutes...lol
• 【色々わけあって爆笑www】普段メイクに1時間かかるろこに、いつも15分で...
Wow... you can get such good makeup with 100 yen cosmetics... I tried makeup using 100 yen cosmetics from Daiso and it turned out better than I imagined! [DAISO] [Beginner makeup]
• え…100均のコスメでこんないいメイクになるの…。ダイソーの100均コスメ...
The makeup turned out unexpectedly, leading to an unexpected turn of events... Makoto and I don't get along and we have completely different styles of makeup, so we tried swapping makeup every day...lol
• 予想外のメイクの仕上がりで、まさかの展開に…。不仲でメイクの系統も全く違う...
▼Other recommended videos here!
[This is the first time I've ever seen this] When a producer who hadn't thought up a plan came to my house without one, Roko and my mom started arguing...
• 【こんなことは初めて】企画を考えてるないPが企画を持ってこずに家に来たら、...
[One laugh per item] If you order an item on Uber Eats and have to tell a funny story from your daily life that isn't even in Rokomako Ako's videos...lol [Uber all-you-can-eat]
• 【1商品1笑い】商品を1つ頼むごとにろこまこあこの動画にもなってない日常の...
I'll also reveal some of the everyday incidents that viewers don't know about in the house I used to live in...lol At the end, just before moving, I'll show you every corner of Rokomako Ako's current house! [Room tour]
• 住んでた家での視聴者さんが知らない日常での事件も暴露…www引越し直前の最...
Ako has gotten better at makeup, so I tried changing my makeup every day for the first time in a year, and it was so funny lol
• メイクが上達したあこと1年ぶりに毎日メイクを交換してみたら色々爆笑すぎたwww
I'm spending money on things other than PayPay and my wallet, and there's a boy in my camera roll...? We did a surprise check of the contents of Deroko's smartphone...
• PayPayや財布以外にお金を使ってたり、カメラロールに男の子が…?抜き打...
▼Check out the 3 sisters' channel here! Roco Mako Ako Channel
/ @rocomacoaco
▼ Roco's TikTok (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's TikTok subaccount (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's Instagram (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's Twitter (managed by mother)
▼ 3 sisters' Instagram
▼ Mako's Instagram (managed by mother)
www.instagram.c/ om/macomacomacorun/
▼Ako's Instagram (managed by my mother)
▼The three sisters' TikTok
▼Mako's TikTok (managed by my mother)
▼Mako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)
▼Ako's TikTok (managed by my mother)
▼Ako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)
▼For inquiries about videos (YouTube projects, advertisements, etc.), please contact here! info@rocomacoaco.biz
▼Music used, etc.
*May not be used depending on the video.
Sound effects:
Sound Effect Lab – soundeffect-lab.info/
OtoLogic − otologic.jp/
Free BGM and music: DOVA-SYNDROME − dova-s.jp/
#Makeup exchange
#Makeup exchange