▼You can download the Rocomaco Ako Fan Club app here!
For iPhone and iPad users: link.utnq.in/ugz0A
For Android users: link.utnq.in/ugz0B
▼The fan club website is here!
It's Roco!
This time, we're doing a new project called the Gratitude Box! (The Rocomaco Ako Channel has been doing a Complaint Box project for a while, but this is a spin-off project with the exact opposite content, the Gratitude Box!)
The Complaint Box on the Rocomaco Ako Channel is a project where we open the contents of the Complaint Box that has been set up for a month and talk about it, but this time it's OK to talk to people other than family, so we'll be telling them how grateful we are!
It's supposed to be a gratitude box, but it starts to sound like I'm dissatisfied halfway through? There are stories and funny episodes from when Roko recently met with viewers (lol)
I hope you enjoy watching until the end☆
If you think this video is good or interesting, please click the like button and subscribe to the channel☆
▼Other recommended videos are here!
Crying, laughing, and all kinds of noisy videos...lol You can order all-you-can-eat Uber Eats by answering questions that would normally be difficult to talk about in a video! [Uber All-You-Can-Eat]
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• 小学校時代のろこが受けたとんでもない嫌がらせの話や、みんなに謝りたいことな...
You can buy as much as you want with your New Year's money, but the person with the fewest funny scenes in the purchase introduction will have their purchases confiscated! You can buy as much as you want at Donki using the staff's wallet as a New Year's money! [Don Quixote]
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The three sisters talk about romance, menstruation, unwanted hair removal, and other crazy topics... lol The three sisters Rokomako and Ako talk about girls' worries!
• 3姉妹の恋愛、生理、ムダ毛の処理など色々やばい話が…wwwろこまこあこの3...
They reveal each other's secrets and get into trouble... The three sisters Rokomako and Ako open their boxes of complaints about each other... lol
• お互いに暴露し合って大変なことに…。ろこまこあこの3姉妹でお互いに対しての...
▼Click here for the three sisters' channel!
Roco Mako Ako Channel
/ @rocomacoaco
▼ Roco's TikTok (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's TikTok subaccount (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's Instagram (managed by mother)
▼ Roco's Twitter (managed by mother)
▼ 3 sisters' Instagram
▼ Mako's Instagram (managed by mother)
www.instagram.c/ om/macomacomacorun/
▼Ako's Instagram (managed by my mother)
▼The three sisters' TikTok
▼Mako's TikTok (managed by my mother)
▼Mako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)
▼Ako's TikTok (managed by my mother)
▼Ako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)
▼For inquiries about videos (YouTube projects, advertisements, etc.), please contact here! info@rocomacoaco.biz
▼Music used, etc.
*Some videos may not use this music.
Sound effects:
Sound Effect Lab – soundeffect-lab.info/
OtoLogic − otologic.jp/
Free BGM and music: DOVA-SYNDROME − dova-s.jp/