
When he throwed the tissue, he noticed that the people love the parfume and not him at all. All he ever wanted was some love or even hate, just some attention he never got. Before he throwed he thought it was him combined with the perfume but he realized it wasnt so his last way out was death


From the book> And in that moment he
experienced the greatest triumph of his life. And he was terrified.
He was terrified because he could not enjoy one second of it. In that moment as
he stepped out of the carriage into the bright sunlight of the parade grounds, clad
in the perfume that made people love him, the perfume on which he had worked
for two years, the perfume that he had thirsted to possess his whole life long... in
that moment, as he saw and smelled how irresistible its effect was and how with
lightning speed it spread and made captives of the people all around him — in that
moment his whole disgust for humankind rose up again within him and completely
soured his triumph, so that he felt not only no joy, but not even the least bit of
satisfaction. What he had always longed for — that other people should love him
— became at the moment of its achievement unbearable, because he did not love
them himself, he hated them. And suddenly he knew that he had never found
gratification in love, but always only in hatred — in hating and in being hated.


This is one of those movies I didn't think I would like until I watched it. I don't know why it is still pretty unknown. Its so interesting.


This movie is just unforgettable it will remain as the masterpiece


This is one of the finest movies i have had ever witnessed so far.
Perfume is the best dark movie that holds you through its innocence & madness of the passion at same time.


Story of a man who was never loved since the day he was born.. he didn't know what love is and what it feels like.. he comes across a fruit seller girl and falls in love with her at first sight , he follows her but she gets scared and tries to scream so he puts his hand on her mouth and she dies.. he didn't want to let go the feeling of love (fragrance is used as a symbol of love) that he never had before and he so obsessively wants to save it. Trying to discover how to preserve the essence of love he goes away from society and meditates in a cave till it occurs to him that the fruit seller girl didn't even see him she was blind to his love. He also realizes that what he thought was his love, in fact was his lust because he doesn't have the essence of love in him. He thinks that he can get that love from other women but what he gathers from other women isn't the essence of love, it's the essence of lust which intoxicates people and makes them lose their morals and virtues. Realizing that he can never love or be loved he just gives himself up to the people who said they loved him but who just wanted him to satisfy their lust.


Even without context this clip is absolutely mesmerizing to me. The score and the feeling of absolute triumph. And yet... there is something missing? AMAZING!


[Snape Voice] Playing with your potions again Mr. Grenouille?


trying to describe this scene is almost impossible! perfection is probably the closest word


His acting range is brilliant.
The moment he pauses to aknowledge... its the scent they're worshiping, not him.
Leaving him feeling ever empty and unloved.. 
Resulting in his final scene.


I think he realised that what he wanted (love or appreciation) cannot be fabricated or manipulated, when everyone started making love with each other he contemplated something he could not be a part of. They were there and there's him, probably so alienated from his own creation


One of the most beautiful soundtracks to a movie I have ever heard


The most underrated movie ever in Hollywood's history.


Alan Rickman’s performance makes me emotional. Rest In Peace...


There is so much power and beauty in this scene, the music, all the people who are stunned because of the perfume. Its so mmh cant find another word "WoooW"


i remember watching this movie for the first time. 
when he threw the handkerchief i literally had a seizure out of shock and amazement. never happened to me while watching a movie before.
My favourite of all time.


i love this movie. "This is an Angel!!". The crowd is slain by the purest of essence. Great.


I saw the film in the cinema yesterday again, special screening. And it hit me like the very first time. Still can’t believe how Tom tykwer managed to make smells to be felt with music. The deepness and intensity runs through my veins and spine, I can’t compare the soundtrack with any other, and I’m a soundtrack lover, I know many. But this interaction of music and visual is one of the best in the world. The film is truly underrated. It’s a masterpiece


I was near tears when Laura's father went to him and called him his son.


Am i the only one who just only have eyes for my man Alan rickman? He's simply the best ☝its a pitty that he'd died one and half year ago 😭 
Rest in peace my friend❤