You cured my depression 🙂
Your the best gacha tuber
I'm ToTaLLy NoT sTaLkInG yOuR cHaNnEl 😂. (I am)
Team under an hour Oh and u dropped this 👑
Hi cheri you are my fav yt
I love you and I love your channel and I also love you. Everything you have.❤
We all love cheridet
I like your glasses
Ur rlly pretty! :))
I qouldnt cry if he broke up whit me i would cry becuse he cant buy me stuff from shopping😂❤
Here some cupcake's 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁
Gurl you look so cute with your glasses And also Cheri, you are the reason I became a gacha tuber/regular YouTuber you inspired me to make gacha and I’ve been hoping you can react to them but my stupid brain told me to delete them all but soon I will make the gacha I was working on witch was called “Tay and Alexa” so when I make it please react to it!I really love your channel and I hope you have a great long and happy life your channel has so many subscribers and my channel only has 1k but I love you so much Cheri I hope you have an amazing life! -Love your fans Mari, and Hazel!
I love your videos and your very beautiful❤❤❤.
This is interesting im gonna watch it<3
I want cupcakes
my day isnt complete without cheridets videos
Under 5 hours gang!
I love your videos ❤❤❤