Wilhelm was not totally responsible for the First World War. France wanted revenge in its defeat in 1870 and the German Generals were concerned with the industrial growth in Russia. Wilhelm asked Tsar Nicholas to not mobilize in 1914. In fact Germany only mobilized as a result of Russia's Mobilization. Good show! Well Done!
One of the more interesting questions in history is the degree to which Wilhelm’s personality and role in German policy did or didn’t contribute as a factor to the start of WW1. What is clear is that once the war started he was basically irrelevant.
A wondereful example of balance between the old and new appraisals of William II. Your work always is worth watching.
My world history teacher in high school was a descendant of this guy. Very strong pride in it. Bonus points in his class were earned by dissing the French. Best teacher I ever had. RIP, Baron Wilhelm Von Huber.
Took an hour of this class in a happy way.
It's amazing that Victoria and Albert envisioned that the Royal houses of Europe would be more peaceful because they were related by blood.
Vicky actually did the right thing by Wilhelm by having him do everything any other Prince would do. He learned to ride, hunt and even chop wood in his older years in Holland. Had she babied him and had him act and feel disabled lord knows how horrible he would have been. You know, Wilhelm has been blamed for WWI for over 100 years now but I have read correspondence between Wilhelm and Franz Josef between the assassination and the start of the war. The first letter is practically pleading with FranzJosef to NOT send the demanding letter to Serbia and telling him to think very clearly before doing anything rash. Whether these were sincere words or not who can tell but he did write and send them.
Should have listened to Bismarck
I wish his dad lived longer.
“had a heart attack and died while performing a ballet dance dressed in a pink tutu” that’s certainly one way to go out!
As a citizen of modern-day Namibia, I am glad that the dark history and massacre of our indigenous people has not been overlooked in this recollection of Wilhelm's role in supporting Von Trotha's heinous acts of genocide. May our herous rest in eternal peace as their sacrifices have not been forgotten.
Thank you for this video about the Kaiser
Yes, the genocide in Namibian was horrible as was the Belgians in the Congo and the British of the Zulus and every other tribe that stood up for themselves. Everu😢countr that had a colony any where treated the natives. This was because of the old racism of the past but Wilhelm cannot be singled out for this.
New subscriber here 😊 I found this video after watching all the videos on the Jewish Holocaust and i wanted to know more about the German Kaiser and what led up to world war 1 and why Hitler wanted retribution for Germany. Great content and narration is a must to keep me interested! And this does it ❤
Thanks For this Guys! Love your content ❤❤❤❤
Just in time for exams too. Thank you for other brilliant video.
Thank you for keeping the history of the old world alive. However most people have no clue & little appreciation. While every generation has a failing flaw, yet these generations before were much more disciplined & refined in character & deed.
Ww1 would have started with or without him.
Kaiser Wilhelm II was not ready to become ruler of the german empire. His great uncle and grandfather and father dying to early set things in motion. It was also the case with his cousin in russians the tsars. They were not ready to be rulers as well and see what happen russia and the revolution that happened. Also the kaiser mother had a nervous break down and depression also caused his upbring to be wild and crazy. Also i think the traditions on how the family raised also cause him to have an ego at a young age where children his needed time to develop. When he became kaiser at 29 he had a misguided view of the world and how the world worked. He didnt really fully immerse himself in world politics. Which foolish and unfortunate since he was related to half of the world monarchs in some for or another. He could of you use that his advantage to further his understanding and to develop his country and his standing in the world. Also to get rid of bismark was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made. To not take wise council from a man who has chancellor and in politics for more then 30 years stupid. Also his influence on the austro hungry empire was a big mistake. The habsburg monarchy was just in same boat as the kaiser. No compintent head of state and leader of the military. Once prince Franz Ferdinand was killed they could of negotiated a diplomatic solution to situation to avoid war. Wilhelm society pressures got the best of him as well of thinking that germany should have a great empire like his cousins in great britain and russia and other kingdoms really lead him astray. Only if he had taking wise council from his ministers and some generals he would still been kaiser of germany and his family most likely would be still rulers of germany. Probably in a form their cousins in great britain but with less powers in germany. But House of Hohenzollern would still be almost absolute rulers in germany in some form. The germans has a good work force and good education system. Modern day german is the fourth largest country by GDP in world after almost one hundred years after world war two. Imagine House of Hohenzollern ruler over that type of economy only if Kaiser Wilhelm II would taken bismark advice. His country would be a super power in it own right, How ironic is that and to history. Good content.