i love when mason joins these videos 😂 he makes them extra hilarious
Ben is so innocent and honestly I hate to see him suffer or go through any pain/torture.. this guy deserves the world❤️❤️I hope you get everything that you want ben stay safe love you so much❤️
I love livs hair and Hannah’s hair I love the hair and Lexi too lexi is so pretty and it was funny that Ben got pied in the face haha🤣🤣🤣I love your videos I wish I can see you I’m a big fan I live in Sweden
Look at all the pain that Ben and his team go though to entertain us so thankful for the work you guys put in to this
The fact that Mason made it all the way through is crazy 😂
Andrew’s and lexi’s faces at the end is priceless and Ben just being happy is so funny😂❤
😂😂why Andrew wasn't smiling at the end.....
I love mason he just bring so much joy to these videos😊
loved the ending!!!!! andrew and lexi's faces were priceless!!
Not Mason actually making it through 😂😂😂
All the torture Ben is willing to go through is crazy! He deserves more Subscribers!❤ Love you Ben.
Love how lexi was ready to go on that vacation with Andrew
Let’s appreciate how Ben used his precious time to entertain us!
Hi ben i have been watching u for so long your an amazing youtuber welldone for all ur hard work we all love watching these videos ❤
Who else loves the fact that they always spend their time making videos js to make us feel better❤️
All the torture Ben is willing to go through is crazy! He deserves more Subscribers!❤
Ben never fails to entertain me. When I have a bad day, his videos make it better. Ben, you don't deserve to go through all this pain.
I just adore how Ben and Lexi broke up but yet they are still really good friends with each other’s ❤