
This is the most undervalued tree algorithm video.
Info here is gold. Thanks man!


Dude what an explanation. Thank you so much, using recursion to solve binary tree problems has been a really huge problem till now


I love people who make things this simple, just subscribed to your channel.


Wow. Brilliant nugget!! Literally opened my eyes to the problems I am solving!!


This is actually an amazing piece of intuition


Give this guy a whole lot of subscribers!!!!!!
I feel confident to solve tree problems.You Rock man
Please Create a video how to solve graph problems.


recursion is really messing with my mind


I just wanna say, that thinking of recursion in a way where we fragment the root node made sooooo much sense. 
My exam is next week, thanks!


Discover the new graph theory algorithms course: https://inscod.com/graphalgo
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Well, this is true for a certain kind of trees, where each node counts as equivalent. The same algorithm doesn't necessarily apply to segment trees, binary search trees, KD-trees etc. where an element's position in the tree is more important than its sole presence in the tree.


u r genius...the most simple ways i see to learn this bianry tree...tysm blud


Very easy described man!
Give this man a medal!


You just earned a new subscriber....

Spent hours searching for a simple explanation on Trees, found it in your channel.


For height of tree it must return -1 if root is null.(2.42)


Finally, this is what I have been looking for; algorithms with proper visualizations. I had to buy all your 5 courses on udemy


This was the coolest explanation of complex problem ever..Thank you


Hey Inside Code I loved the video! I just wanted to correct the treeHeight algorithm. It needs to return -1 if the root is None because currently with the returning of 0, the leaf nodes get a height of 1 instead of a height of 0 which will cause the resulting tree height to be 1 greater than it should be.


bro just opened my mind


Bruh. This finally makes sense.


Thank u so so soo much man
Non linear data structures were really tough for me
From school to college 
It was tough for me to understand 
But now when i am preparing for a job 
I saw your video
And u saved my life 
Thank u so much