This is spot on. Could not be more accurate. 30 Years in corporate management and I hated every day. Hated the job, the company, and most of the people I worked with. Sunday afternoons my mood starting changing knowing tomorrow was Monday. Sunday night I could not sleep knowing tomorrow was Monday. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was wishing it was Friday. I pissed away my life doing what was “right” by other peoples standards
Really appreciated this documentary. I took sick leave for burnout last year. Went back, found nothing had changed, nobody really cared about the root causes of why me and so many others were burning out in the organization. Finally, I submitted my resignation letter just this month. Everything about the way we work needs to change, especially treating people like people and not human resources.
A job honestly doesn’t gives you the time, space and opportunity to chase your dreams and achieve your goals. From personal experience i can tell you working a serious job is modern day slavery. they pay you a small amount for doing a significant amount of work and promises you promotion. Best advice make investments and take calculated risks that would guarantee your success.
This documentary should be sent to all corporations.
I really felt that part when the lawyer said she wanted to get hit by a car just so that she wouldn’t go to work. Feel that most days, if not all.
"I was looking for a job and then I found a job and heaven knows I'm miserable now" - Morrissey
I’m watching this 4 months after quitting from a terrible office job because of a terrible burnout that crushed me completely. I’m 29. It felt like I failed in life. But now I’m starting to think that I will do whatever I can just to not work in a similar job ever again, including changing my career path completely. The system just grinds us, I prefer making less money for a couple of years and creating my own business or path so that I can keep my sanity, rather then be a clog in the machine.
I do the bare minimum at my office job and always will. I never got credit all the decades I went above and beyond, and live by 'no good deed goes unpunished ' now. I only go in, work then leave. I'm not here for a popularity contest. I never participate in forced team building events or work outings. I never respond to texts outside working hours. I only go into the office part time. I'm too logical to be a full time slave. When I was, I was mentally unstable and always dreary. Nowadays, I work 3 days and play for 4. I finally feel balanced.
My boss recently said he didn't want to rise any higher in the company because at a certain point your only remaining contribution is to tell other people to work faster
Problem is that now we are doing 3 people's jobs and getting paid for one.
If one exceeds management's expectations, that becomes the new expectations. Therefore, never do more in one day than you're willing to do every day thereafter.
It took burning out myself to notice that most everyone around me at the office is burned out too. It explains a lot. Still not sure how I'm getting out of it, but am finally realizing it's time for something different. Life's too short to be miserable.
Burnout victim here. I learnt to focus on everything I was taking in each day, basically my ‘daily diet’. Not just the food I was eating, it was everything my eyes would see, sounds I would hear, thoughts I would think of, the places I went, the people I talked to, the activities I did. To have a healthy diet, I needed to make sure that I was taking in healthy actions each day. Good luck out there
32:08 this moment right here. The face that toddler makes when the crayon is taken away. That moment spoke to me so much. I like my job. I like the feeling that I can make an impact on the world. But every time I have a manager that tells me I can’t do it “this way” and I have to do it their exact way, I feel like my soul is being squeezed out of my body.
Burnout happens to people who have a work ethic and responsibility. It ends up biting you on the ass in the long run. Today is my last day after 28 years at my workplace. Luckily I have months of leave owing so I don't need to work straight away. Sick of all the stress that should be the owners, not mine. I'm not putting my life on hold anymore waiting for others to get their acts together.
Considering that this video came in only few hours ago, how popular it is already, says a lot on how we all feel about this topic, how really concerned most of us are. A hundred years ago, people had to fight, real fights, for improving their conditions, with real claims, and now, we just don't f****g understand what's going on, it's all about respecting budgets and standards, while HR send weekly emails on how to take care of our mental health.
Brutally honest documentary. I haven't seen anything like it... It's amazing that somebody had the courage to bring this taboo to light!!
Corporate jobs are really nasty! I had a few different jobs, but the absolute worst was at IKEA at their head quarters in Älmhult a few years ago, just before the pandemic. They remodeled the office to open space offices and everything that was personal was forbidden. So you were no longer allowed to have your own desk or have personal belongings at your desk. They constantly hade meetings about their leader (the founder, who was dead at that time) and praising him and the company like it was divinity. Furthermore the bullying amongst colleagues was savage! You were urged by the leadership to climb the leader, so everyone was stabbing each others back in order to get ahead. You were constantly brainwashed that you were part of some kind of IKEA family. I could continue all day about that nightmare! This documentary brought back memories and gave me the chills. Luckily I’m not there anymore, but feel sorry for the people with limited options what pay with their health and wellbeing in order to sustain themselves
For a time I volunteered for additional responsibilities at work. I was very much engaged and felt good about it. I had the opportunity to learn more about different divisions. Best of all, I got the chance to connect with many people within my organization. I arrived early and stayed late to manage the "volunteer" responsibilities. My entire yearly review centered around one situation in which I neglected to respond to someone following my return from vacation in a timely manner. No one was harmed as a result of the delayed response. I shared how I used my time to improve the organization. I was told if I wanted a raise, I'd need to improve my response time. BASED..on one incident. I checked out and haven't checked back in. I do my primary job and absolutely nothing more. EXCEPT! I am far more involved with community projects. I no longer volunteer at work.