
My mom bought her first ebike from Jensons back in 2021 and has absolutely loved it.

She’s been eyeing this bike for awhile as an upgrade! Definitely a rad bike!


Well I used to think the same thing as the e bike haters! I bought a Levo SL and loved it and then switched to Rise (much better than Levo). I can do double the rides and uphill is almost as fast as downhill which is stupid fun! I still ride normal bikes too but on big rides e bike hands down 👍


There is just so much utility with having an e-bike. Currently on a vacation abroad and I wish that I had one with me, not only to get out and explore trails, but to just ride around some of the bigger city areas that are super bike friendly. Just ordered a pair of these for me and my wife because of this :)


I just got a rise and im loving it


Ebikes are designed for different things for different people. Some use for 6k+ climbs (🤢), some people use them because they have a limited amount of time and want to get all the shredding in as possible. Either way they both get you on the bike and that's the important part. 🤙🏻


More laps = More smiles.  Seriously can't wait to finally get an e-bike, and the group of SL e-bikes are looking too good to pass up on.


E Bikes simply change the distribution of time spent climbing to downhill. Standard bike may be 3:1 whereas an E Bike makes it 2:1.  This equates to 50% more downhill time and miles in the same time spent riding.  No idea why non E riders even care what someone else chooses to ride ?


When you have lots of old stock to clear 😉




160mm Front and 150mm Rear with Cascade?
It's a good upgrade?


What year model is this Rise?


E-bikes are rebranded motorcycles, and are for 65+ or handicapped.  Anyone else riding them is lazy.  If there wasn’t so much money to be made, shops would be against them.