
bro just tracked her location down💀💀💀💀




How is he in her house😮


Ain't no way fortnite is a dating app now 💀


I gonna geta gf or a freind


How did she know he was recording maybe she was acting?


I am your biggest fan


wait baba did a separate video on this dude your freinds with baba


"Your literally a betta"
Me:*clears throat* mam I have a betta right in the room you know I heard that right?


Where did you come from


Bro that's his frickint sister what is wrong with you guys


how does she know that this is a video huh


I'm Big fan


Its So funny when they Make video's For View's without a  moral lol


Well great job finding a girlfriend :)


Isn't baba already dating her ?


I already subscribed


Verge of sisters and Brothers because that’s just as our room


Why u record a random girl


Bro my man just rifted to her house