My big one was “But you’re attracted to masculine women, that’s the same as just being attracted to men right? Definitely straight” 🙃🙃🙃
I heavily relate to the, "I think you're gay, no straight, no gay, no straight, ace, definitely not bi" 🙃🙃🙃
Internalized biphobia w/ evil smirk: "I think your gay, no I think your straight, no your gay, no your straight" 10/10
That internalized biphobia monologue was literally ripped straight from my head, I swear to god. I’ve struggled with this a lot in the past, so it’s funny that now, once I’ve actually worked through my issues, I’m able to actually label the real problem.
I'm a bi man, I tend to be romantically attracted to women more often but I like men as well. I dated a man at one point who would joke that I wasn't bi anymore because I was dating him exclusively. It got old to be told that I was gay just because I was dating a man, it felt like he was trying to erase my identity as a bisexual, which I explained to him multiple times. He'd brush off my protests and it made me uncomfortable so I eventually broke it off with him, not just over that but I can't say that it wasn't a major factor. Looking back I shouldn't have put up with it as long as I did, he clearly didn't respect me as a person. Excellent video btw, I love your channel.
Finding this channel has genuinely been a journey if self discovery filled with "Oh my god that's a common bi thing?" and "I am so relieved to know other people feel like this". It's truly making me feel so much more comfortable with my sexuality and my expression of it. Thank you so much.
The bit about perversion hit home. I feel like bisexuality is still so sexualized in pop culture, and it leaves me feeling like I have an icky kink, not an orientation. Your channel really helps me learn to see myself as a whole person. Thank you.
The thumbnail....thats the little internalized biphobia gremlin in my brain.
So just to put it out there, this channel is the only „bi-space“ in my life. This content makes me feel so much better about myself and lessens my need to prove my sexuality to myself and others. This content is much needed representation. Thank you for creating your videos.
another banger Verity, thank you 💖💜💙
That internalized biphobia monologue was one of the most relatable things I've seen on the internet. And seeing how relatable it was to me really helped combat my own internalized biphobia. Those moments of realizing that what I'm thinking and experiencing is actually a common bi experience turn all those invalidating thoughts into things that, ironically, validate my bisexuality lol
Please internalize how helpful your bi advocacy content is!
I tend to feel guilty when I notice I 'prefer' one gender over the other. Like, there's always that little voice going "You've already found four women attractive today and not a single man, look around right now and find a man you like." or "You've fantasized exclusively about men for the last week. Not very bi of you, is it?" And rationally, I know that even if I do have a preference, that's fine, but I still find it comforting that I have these thoughts both ways because it 'proves' that I'm 'truly bi'.
As a married woman in a straight relationship it just feels like my bisexuality is more theoretical than anything else. So of course I have to overcompensate with as much gay media as possible... 🙃
I was desperately in love with a person of my same sex for years, admitted to myself that I was in love, and still believed I was 100% straight.
That low level hum wow, I feel like the “less important than” feeling is the biggest thing. Even coming out I feel indifferent about, I already know people will just do the “are you sure? How do you know? At least you’re still half straight” thing. Even down to the “I’m always gonna be alone”, it’s like a big empty nothing. I don’t think I’ve seen this articulated so well before.
I feel so seen whenever you include ace thoughts within the bi-cycle or internalized monologues in these videos. It's been so confusing trying to figure out if I like just one gender, multiple genders, or none at all and your videos have been so validating. Thank you so much
I am scared to go to pride because I am a bi girl with a long term bf, but never have had a gf. Its just the way life went, me never dating a girl. Girls have literally tried to get me to leave my bf and be with them because ew men icky. Because god forbid i love men and women.
I'm not bisexual, but I'm an early-stage trans lady--and hearing someone say so confidently "when I was a man" warms my heart so much.