
Rolling a Joint of Snoop Dogg is like being awarded the Nobel Prize.


I can't unpicture Naked Mideon rolling a fat one for Snoop


Mideon seems to be stretching the truth while simultaneously being honest.πŸ˜‚


The only thing I don't believe about this story is that Mideon had to go do a promo.


Shout out Mideon. Besides Viscera, the Ministry was sick and I enjoyed the time we had with them as a group and solo


Snoop and b real would be an epic session to be a part of


I love this podcast! ❀


Would make it even better if jr and king had just walked out and only said that to make people think they weren’t in there smoking


Looks like Larry Lawton


All the wrestlers I thought were so awesome, played as them in Revenge and WrestleMania 2000...

And all this time it was Mideon. Mideon was the cool one. And I didn't even care to play against him, let alone as him


Can you imagine JR and KING in there doing commentary lol




Crazy how people say can you believe they are doing that! All  while taking steroids , drinking and taking tablets


Anyone who smoked with the undertaker is a legend just for that


The fact the undertaker would smoke a joint before I’d watch him on tv as a kid is a not that terribly surprising once you get older and realize how many people toke but also awesome because I love my pot lol


Best Guest ever


Awesome story and piece of wrestling history.


Brilliant story πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Some of his stories β€¦πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌ


Mideon does not look like Mideon anymore.