i deffo agree something is wrong. this is the first time in any season where i've played so many games to not move at all because you win one then lose one and it just repeats.
Kraan is conducting experiments Kraan is getting crazy Kraan is dutch Kraan can jump meaning he can escape gravity Kraan is sigma
Lmao I knew I should'nt've done placements with friends
I uninstalled after finishing BP last season and didn't play OW since. I'm now happier.
Ok do we just make two more alts and we will place champion. You got this I believe in you
They really played us on placements. They made it seem like everybody got an EQUAL opportunity to climb out of their past rank. Staying that even lower elo players would start off higher and go higher from there. Totally not the case. I was mid diamond in all roles. Highest I got was diamond 5 on tank after going 8/10. The new ranked placements definitely took your past rank into effect.
The only thing wrong with ranking up rn is you literally have to go on a win streak lol or you don’t rank up
I did all 10 of my placement games in a duo with my bud, he did 2 of his placement games before me and lost one of them. So he had more losses than me in his placement games. I was placed in gold 4 and he was placed in plat 2.
On my main I'm getting 18% per win 25% per loss and on my smurf I got 47% in one game. It almost makes me want the old ranked system back.
When I got a win in placements in moved me up a rank on the predicted rank but it takes abt 5 wins to rank up after placements
imo it’s the percentages and their weird variables tbh. Like wow ok expected to win so I guess I’m getting 16% and when I lose, I lose 27%? Like wtf
Kraan u did it i didn't get the notification for the video.
Placements won 9 lost 1 still same rank as last season :(
i'm gonna make a new account and test this 😂 tired of whatever is going on with season 9's rank system like i've never been more stuck in any other season
What is yzan cooking 😭
Ye fr i was grandmasters and now im stuck in plat because my tm8s are completely reþarded and dont have brains its so fun thats why i quit 😊
the yzn sub voice lmao