最近、親しい方々を相次いで亡くし 眠れない日々を過ごしていましたが あなたの優しい色合いと文章と奏でる生活音が癒やしになっています。 最近、寒さが一段と厳しくなりました…お風邪など召しませんようご自愛くださいね☺️🍀 ありがとうございます。
Ваши видео - как медитация. 30 минут пролетают незаметно, красота и неторопливые движения прямо завораживают. У Вас очень красивый дом. Спасибо за хорошее настроение! 🥰
Когда мне нужно умиротворение, я смотрю Нами) спасибо большое, что создаете для нас островок спокойствия❤️❤️❤️
Does anyone else feel like Nami gets more done in one day then we get done in a week?….she is amazing!
Taking a picture of your clothing, so that you can be reminded of what goes together on a busy morning is brilliant! I am retired now, but I still think this is a great idea for me. I don’t go out much, but when I do, I can’t decide what to wear. I am going to use this idea. Thank you. I absolutely love your videos. They are so wonderful. I look forward to them every week. And I love how you include a cat at the end.
Thank you Nami for being with us every week. The way you arranged the Christmas decorations is lovely and beautiful.
Your gifts are sensible and sweet. Your home is immaculate, your dinner preparations and presentation are better than some restaurants and your wardrobe is very pretty which shows you are fond of color which show too that you have a fun personality. I hope you’re not lonely and the choice of being alone in Japan is yours but if it’s not, they’re just slow showing up sweetie, just remember to keep that candle lite by the window (as the saying goes) for that special person to find there way home🌹
После просмотра роликов Нами, я аромалампу себе уже купила, чайник с подогревом чайной свечой купила, украшать блюда начала. Надо ещё приучить себя вставать в 5 часов 30 минут, а то я еле-еле встаю в 7 часов 30 минут😊 А ещё мне очень интересно понять, как чисто технически Нами снимает камерой себя. Как она переставляет, носит за собой камеру. Нами, с любовью из России.
Hola Nami. Soy de Sudamérica. De Uruguay. Los sábados me despierto más temprano sólo para ver tus videos. Eres una inspiración para mi.
The first thing we do when we wake up is pray Fajr prayer is the blessing and safety of the whole day
I’m always sad when the video is over. I also get outfit ideas while looking at Pinterest and go to closet and put things I have together♥️If I wait until morning to decide I don’t feel comfortable in my choice all day. My Dad always loved persimmons I haven’t thought about them in a long time so it made me smile😊Have a restful weekend 🫶🏻
Nami, you are so artistic when it comes to everything you do! From preparing meals, to dressing, to decorating your apartment! I LOVE your videos ❤️
Watching your meal preparation, reminds me we should also be eating more vegetables and healthier meals. It’s the time of year I look for various soup recipes, I did find one recently with sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, turnips, carrots, cabbage and spinach. Your snow globe with the cats is perfect for the holiday season.
Nami always looks like she’s cooking for more than just herself. I wish I lived next door to her, I’d be trying to invite myself over all the time😂
I feel like Nami-san has become my Saturday morning breakfast companion.
This video is so full of Christmas!!! I love your gentle japanese life ❤ thank you Nami-san 🫖🤍🧑🏻🎄
Nami jaki zrobiłaś miły nastrój świąteczny drobnymi rzeczami. urocza pamiątka od siostrzenicy. Dzięki Tobie poszerza się moja wiedza kulinarna. Dziękuję Ci za film, który wprowadza w atmosferę świąteczną wyciągnęłam dzięki Tobie swoje świąteczne rzeczy skarpetki, kubek.
Jak miło gościć u Ciebie Nami. Stworzyłaś już świąteczny nastrój. Zaprezentowane dzisiaj posiłki były wspaniałe, ale nie oczywiste. Pokazałaś sposoby na wykorzystanie owocu persymony. Bardzo się tym ucieszyłam, bo nie miałam pomysłu na ich szersze zastosowanie w gotowaniu. Bardzo udane są te twoje pomysły. Dziękuję Ci za ciekawy filmik, który nam pomoże wejść w okres przygotowania do świąt. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Droga Nami.🫶🙋🏼♀️
It looks like a minimalist house that is clean and comfortable. I want to see the woman socializing in the comfort of her home...receiving guests, having her family visit or something like that 🎉🎉🎉🎉