
For anyone wondering why it reminds u of Age 3, its because its using the engine. Probably because the studio who made AoM Retold is also the one who made Age 1-3 DE versions.
Age 4 was made by Relic using their own in-house engine, so we probably wont see it anytime soon!


Retold was amazing and I like how they included the Atlantian expansion as part of the base game. Look forward to future content for this game. Pillars of immortality looks fantastic and I'm excited to learn more about Arena of the Gods and what future God packs we have in store.


Loved LotR Battle for Middle Earth. Now that needs a remaster!


I was blown away when I got to experience how well they recreated the campaign while still making tweaks here and there for a better experience. The upgraded Skirmish AI also feels underrated! Good overview.


It reminds me more of Age III than Age IV. In a good way.


So excited for this on PS5! About to put hundreds of hours into it, great overview video!


Oh gotta love the name of AI playing norse; VISBY! thats were I live!! 
Great review btw :)


Praise the Gods! Can't wait to jump in (at some point...)




Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends was so cool.  AOM, Battle for Middle Earth 2, and Rise of legends were my go-to games all through middle and high school


This game looks like loads of fun! Great video per usual!


Does titans cross the sea or just limited to the islands. They need to update that if not


I so much love this game but i cant play rts games, after 4-5 missions i starts getting game overs. 😭😭😭😭


the god power is too OP i think, but overall this game is awesome


AOM will never be as good or grand as AOE2, but AOM will always hold a special place in our hearts as a wonderful game, specially for it's amazing campaign which tbh, is the best out there as it's one story and not individual ones. AOM will no doubt be a lot better than AOE 3 and 4. They ain't bad, but i felt like the AOE series went down the wrong path with those ones. I also loved the building mechanics in AOE2 as it was unlimited and the world maps like Britain, Italy made it even more enjoyable. I do hope however that Star Wars Battlegrounds gets a remake or remaster like the other age series got.


Ok then, I’ll buy it.


anyone knows when the expansions be released?


Hey Andy, I had to subscribe to your channel Yet again, happens every time now for some reason :/ Anyway I pre ordered this game as I had great fun with the original after its very 1st release back in ...  idk, years ago lol. For the most part I feel this version does have great potential. I do wish they would up the population limit somewhat (this is something all AOE games suffer from generally), and also when I turned off auto peasants/villagers in the setting for a skirmish game, it didn't work so anyone know what I need to do to correct that I'd be very grateful 🙂


Can I play against the computer or only pvp?


61133 Wolf Groves