

0:00 - 0:53 INTRO🍀
0:53 - 10:27 RAMBLE 🗣️ (repeating words, talking, hand sounds and mouth sounds) and talking abt requests 
10:27 - 13:35 NOTEBOOK 📒 (tapping, scratching, talking and paper sounds)
13:35 - 16:16 PERFUME 👃(talking, tapping, perfume spraying)
16:16 - 19:30 BOX WITH FABRIC INSIDE 📦 (box sounds, tapping, scratching, tracing, talking and fabric over the mic)
19:30 - 22:47 BAG WITH LIPGLOSSES AND LIPLINERS INSIDE 💄 (applying, talking, lipgloss sounds)
23:55 - 24:20 TALKING 🗣️
24:20 - 25:25 FABRIC SCRATCHING 👚 
25:25 - 26:14 OUTRO 👋

I usually don’t make timestamps but for some reason i love making them for u hahah my third time:)

I love this video! Thank you for making it🫶


i’m so glad u liked my concept of uploading on monday and thursday 🤭 also i love ur eyeshadow and the lighting looks so gooood 💗💗 

also the blowing kisses near the end was SO relaxing please do more in the future 💕


You lowkey should so more videos like this in the future , the 100% sensitivity sounds so relaxing. Also the lighting looks great


This darker, softer lighting is great!  I hope your channel continues to grow rapidly!


this lighting is so cozy!!


As soon as i opened the video i was like omg this gives me so many tingles😫 this is amazing sami


cute lighting !! so relaxing


the lighting looks so cool!!


amazing vid sami💗💗this lighting and setup is so nice and cozy


your close whispers are literally the best i’ve heard


I love this so much and the set up is everything ❤


25:57 god bless you 🫶 i loved what you did at the end


Great video!💕 I loved the lighting! Keep up with your no spending year! You’ll be so thankful when you’re an adult/college student that you worked hard to save in your teenage years!! I’m getting married in 6 months so my fiance and I have been talking about finances a lot haha😉


LOOOOOOVE the lighting


i love this lightning and set up sooo much!🤍


This vid was super cozy!


I love this lighting!!! With all of your new year resolutions videos could you do a video of positive affirmations and positive self talk to help kick off and motivate for the new year?


love the lighting in this 💕


loveee the sounds😊 happy new year :)))


Hi Sami 🙂 
This video is so tingly. Watermelon lemonade sounds as if it would be an amazing smell 🤔.