
That two Moon Cancer in the final almost get me, not gonna lie.


3:21 the silent in this moment says a lot for the outcome.


Grants on getting them all!

Yours still remains the only channel on which I watch gacha at 1x speed.


3:35 Ost hit hard when you know you have nothing left for new servant


That venom edit was nasty and I love it xD


Damn bro,nice naruhodo turnabout theme you got there,my fav part in the last game


Man the amount of those craft essences with cagliostro and tamamo cat was crazy, 😂 thank goddness i got np2 xx alter and bb dubai.


your edit always made me laugh man lol
also grats for all the new servants in this banner


Nice congrats man❤🎉


Congrats on having them all


4:14 would.


I cant stop watching BB dubai big personality




3:10 The same thing happened to me in the Durga/Kali rerun: A wild Odysseus appeared.


JAJA eso ultimo fue tan xD


I want 4 star but them give me 5 star😂 LOL


I also got spooked, by the spider assassin


Welp at least you got two 5 star servant


Where you got all those tickets and SQ from? Also congrats


No way you forgot about the cute choco cinnamon roll in the back 😢