
I love that you show the fretting and picking hands! Picking has always been a challenge for me and I always feel like most tutors emphasize fretting. I like your equal treatment


Really great tone on this one. Cheers !


Justin, you make that look almost easy.

Not necessarily my genre, but watching your hands and the rhythms you give them it’s hard not to be instantaneously a 1970’s hairy with an RAF greatcoat head banging away to this.

A fantastic little short 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Gary Player - “the more I practice the luckier I get”. Phil B - “mmmmmm I must pick up that old book of Justin’s on the bookshelf”.


Whole lotta Justin!


You rarely seem to play your SG, but you kill every time you do!


Well done maestro!


Justin is a virtuoso wow factor 100%..RocknRollFlat5


Well played man


Love it got skills 💯💯💯🍻🍻


Love it, so if I get to the end of all my lessons, there is hope




Just shredded my face off


Play the open forth string along with bending the fifth string and you'll have it




What is the name of this guitar?


Sweet. I thought you were going to avoid the solo on a short vid.


How press the where metal of stings are


If you need a reason to pick up a guitar...


Научись играть на гитаре и в путь.


bye bye shorts! Unsubsribing from this channel as this is the only way to get rid of shorts.