Alia I just got your bundle that came back in the item shop it is amazing , great video
Aura is honestly such a baddie
The Mario oddysey song is crazy
Bugha Does Not Use His Skin 😂
Thank you for 446 subscribers
But I am special😭
“You aren’t special” Me waiting for him to say needs:
Bro had a deep voice for a sec at the end
Bro didn't even try to blur out aura😂
I use Bone Peely and Slim Shady
My main skin is and always will be ascendant Midas
Of course 99% of these skins are sweat skins, I would love Ali A to do a short that covers the most owned/used non sweaty outfits!
What about the default skins?
Can you do the least popular skins
I've never seen these skins used
99% of sweat skins 🤮
Does anyone else see Wesleywat
Nahh bro got Aura😂😂
My favorite skin is kimiko five tails witch is not so common. The skin witch I never seen somebody have it. I wish it comes back so faster to I be able to get it. I can't wait one year more.