
We’re doing our best to try to strike a balance between music being both dynamic and not too distracting. Did you feel like some tracks were a bit unbalanced in that regard? Or maybe the entire playlist was? We go through all your comments, so please let us know what you think! Thank you for listening!


We may speak different languages, but music is a language we all understand


To the person reading this, trust yourself that you can and you will finally make it...Amen!!!


If you find yourself reading this message, know that you are infinitely beautiful, important & loved. You have all the potential in you. You have already the keys to unlock your potential. You just have to be willing to use those keys to unlock your power. So go and BE TE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF !!!  Do whatever it takes. It's worth it!! I believe in you! Be yourself, love yourself and accept who you TRULY are right now, then move on! LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST.  Many blessings and peace. 💙


I was in a near fatal car accident a few months back. I was rushed to Emergency, was then put in ICU until I could undergo surgery. During my time in the hospital all I did was meditate and trust that that my body would heal itself knowing I’d get through it. 
I kid you not, your music aptly conveys my headspace during that time and what it continues to be. Funny how music brings us together eh. Anyways, killer set. And thanks for helping me chill out, focus and just enjoy these oh-so luscious tracks :) 
Keep it up guys


This music makes me feel that, no matter how dark things seem, there’s always light ahead.


Keep your vibrations high people. They want us depressed and full of fear. There is nothing to fear. The most high wins every time.  Remember that and live in full high vibration! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Days of Wonder and Timeless... Thinking about the Goodness of God!


No matter how hard things get, this mix brings me peace and reminds me to trust the process.


I like that you added the song names and artists in the video rather than leaving it solely in the description. Some soundtrack videos don't do that making it a pain to figure out where the music came from. So, thanks for that! An excellent music selection too!


This is the best music for enhanced productivity. You feel the charge within you, you are the winner and the boss and you ought to do it!


Honestly, this mix has literally saved me. I've had a huge issue with procrastination this semester and wasn't getting anything done, but i actually managed to focus and complete 3 projects in the span of 3 days while listening to this. Thank you SO much for your work!


A lot of times or almost every time we go through a lot of uncooked emotions, feelings and internal agony is why things are they are and why so saturated. It's like we drip ourselves to be dry. I was dried up in this constant battles of questioning things and losing patience to be answered. The solace I found I felt is in smoking and drinking and it helped me to have a glimpse. A glimpse that life is beyond these easy escapes and it is something that worth exploring rather than getting lost in temporary addictions like smoking, drinking, being a victim of negativity, and hopelessness.  Some bitter truth came my way. You cant change, anyone, here but show them the blueprint. You are here to explore your problems, issues and setbacks and work towards present moment awareness. Chillout music has been my loyal friend for many years and it's still surprising me. It motivated me to help people come out of addictions like smoking, drinking and emotional pain. 7 people have quit smoking so far. I'm thankful to this life and this Music.


супер музыка!!рисовала под нее, помогает оторваться от реальности и погрузиться в творчество с головой!!Спасибо)))


Whenever I’m overwhelmed, this music brings me a sense of relief.


- Дуже рідко, коли перкусія так звучить лагідно/ніжно.
- До мелодії це гармонійний додаток...
- Дякую за приємну годину ❣...


I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking of this phrase that I don't even know where it came from 'I found you, and you found me' in my heart it speaks to me as if it is an actual human being and the voice that murmurs to me sounds so beautiful.....


If you are reading this, I hope you know you are unique and capable of creating amazing things.
Wish you good health, happiness and success! 💛


No matter how challenging life gets, this music makes me feel resilient.


This mix is like a peaceful reminder that life’s ups and downs are part of the journey.