You did a wonderful job, Momoko! One thing I have to say is make sure you put more enthusiasm into it! Same goes to your partner! Needs lots of smiles!
few people stopping to watch goes to TONS of people stop to watch wow thats kinda funny how much attention she got so fast! LOVE IT!!! XD
that dude on the left in red at 1:00 as a badass ponytail
That was awesome
I love how well your expressions are and how fluid your dancing is beautiful job!!!!😊
i think i been living under a rock till now,i never knew this type of thing were hapenning in mauritius
I never live near this stuff! I would've loved to have seen that!
That was just...ASOME!!!👍🏻
oh my god they seem to stay perfect one !!!
Outstanding performance (Y)
I'll do a dance in a anime constume during lunch during school during haloween
She danced so damn gooooood!! am in love with her <3 <3 <3
You did marvelously well
I like your videos
これはどちらの国ですか? 日本のボカロ文化を知らない人たちの前でやるなんて、すごい勇気ですね 俺もやってみたいです!
awesome luka
Lamb.... That song... I saw a Kanato Sakamaki mmd and Kanato and his teddy danced this song! It was soooo cute!
Awesome, i was there yayyy