
🔥 The Season That Reshaped The NBA | Watch Our Complete Recap Of The 2014/15 Season - https://youtu.be/yAGUqgEPjLw


Gui Santos plays for the team and works extremely hard on defense.  A worthy addition to the rotation.  His plus/minus was the best on the team.


man Moody is playing so well this season. His "thriving" with this new look warriors. Hope his minutes don't go down


The feeling of going to bed and having a smile on my face!! Thanks WARRIORS!

Edit: dang I can’t believe ill have 1k likes. Mom i’m rich!!!!


Draymond scored the most points. Butler and Curry combined for 17 and the dubs still win. That’s a scary sight 🔥


18pts in 20 mins for a guy that came from major injury is insane 😱 JK will be another player to watch out for


Warriors definitely contenders for the championship now. Everyone just needs to stay healthy


Gui Santos is a player who plays for the team, works really hard on defense. A solid addition to the rotation. His +/- was the best on the team.




Watching Moody and Jonathan grow up before our very eyes is very satisfying. 
Being part of the Steph Curry reaching 4,000 3's is incredible.
Seeing this team jell right now for the season is exciting as F!


Looking even better with Kuminga back


Jonathan is back and we keep winning🎉


Santos seems like one hell of a reliable guy for the warriors right now


Gsw bball is just too beautiful and I'm spoiled by watching them.


Happy birthday to the Chef! 37 years young hitting that 4k 3s, tribute to the homie ...So Curry is the only player with 4 rings, a FMVP, 2 MVPs with one being the only unanimous in history, 2x NBA scoring leader, NBA steals leader, FIBA World Cup Gold, Olympic Gold medalist with quite possibly the best final 3 minute sequence we have ever seen, the only player to join the 50-40-90 club averaging 30 ppg +, 2x All Star MVP, 2x 3 point NBA championship, one of only two players in NBA history to score 50+ in game 7 with Tatum being the other, put his 3 point reputation on the line against Sabrina, ended up beating her and beating everyone who played in the regular 3 pt contest for the belt, he is 26-6-6 in 42 games played with KD and KD is 30-7-5 in the 42 games played with Curry. Curry has gone to the Finals 5 years in a row, won a ring before and after KD, and was the number one option on the team that beat MJ's Bulls best record for a season. Curry said "y'all don't want to see us next year" and literally put the Warriors on his back in 2022 and won his 4th ring and FMVP. The only player to win Clutch player of the Year,  WCFMVP, the best 3 point shooter the  league has ever seen based on volume, the best FT shooter in NBA history, Curry has averaged 32-7-6 in the 5 game 7s in his career, holds too many records I mean it gets tedious eventually its like only player to shoot 4 3s with 5 rebounds on 7 assists while shooting above 70%, 402 3s in a season, over 8000 3pa on 42% shooting, changed the way the NBA played offense for a decade, this past year Curry was 9th in scoring on 26-4-5 shooting 40% on 12 3pa while averaging the least amount of time played compared to the players above him at age 35..Curry leads GSW in points, assists, steals, most made threes, most fgs made for season and playoffs. Leading the league in most 3s per season with 8 seasons and counting. First place all time leading the league in 3s consecutively with 5 seasons in a row. 1st place of all time making 3s in the clutch in a season with 32 and it's 2023-2024. Most 3pm in a month with 96 and in a week with 36. The only player to make 8 3s consecutively in 3 games and the only player to do it multiple times. The highest true shooting % in a season with 66.9% (edit: Rudy Gobert holds this record now) and I could legitimately keep going and going. Curry has now hit 4,000 3s total. He's in the top 30 of all time in points hitting 25,000 the other day. He's 37 years old today. Happy 37th to the Chef !


so cool, the curry-green-butler era ..... hoping for a 5th ring for the warriors .... but still a long way .... unselfishness and teamwork is the key for winning ......


YOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S RAINING THREES IN THE BAY, i like where curry, butler, green , JK, and post plays transition unselfishly THANK GOD THE WARRIORS ARE BACKKK!!!!!!!!


Bro they really didnt want to give steph the 4k 3pters. They were huggin him like he owed him smth 😂


Gui Santos "look-off" of the defender at 7:27 was a beautiful lead-in to that mini tomahawk jam by JK. Team's rolling on all cylinders. Starting to remind me of '21-'22.


Glad to see Kuminga back to the court and he played well,especially his aerial relay dunk from Green.