Everyone who beat him👇 and make it's the most like too
your my favourite YouTube and 2.36
Bruhh😂😂 me chilling with 1.57 seconds
I beat him if you beat him 👇 not forcing
"Enter Kevdog" 💀💀💀
I love your videos😊
I am I am your biggest fan
You’re my favorite YouTuber I love your content
Preston you were half of my childhood❤
Me chilling with 2 seconds
me chilling with 1 second: 👁👄👁
That one kid be like “OMGG!1! I GOT 0.001 SECONDS 🔥🔥🔥 BUT I DIDN’T RECORD IT”
Wow, it's been long since I've last watched Preston's videos! It also brings back refreshing memories when I used to watch his entertaining videos!
Im here
And Preston I love all of your YouTube videos and I have seen every video you have ever made
"enter kevdog" ☠️
I got 5 seconds exactly
All ready subscibed
Me chilling with 2.68 seconds Edit: Thx guys so much for 36 likes