
Being 72, I'm finding my D-28 more of a trial to play.  My 000-28 is my go to instrument now so I really understand your CEO-7 opinion.  Short scale with 11s makes it so comfortable to play, it's such a mood changer.  Whatever the world throws at you, a few minutes playing (fingerstyle) washes frustration away.  I find myself often just playing the same beautiful, melodic chords over repeatedly, away in a world of my own (the fingers know what to do so I can just let them get on with it).

Unless I win a lottery I'll probably not buy another guitar, if I did it would indeed be the CEO-7.  So sticking with my 000-28 is not a problem as it's SO rewarding.

Thanks for telling us your list.  I wish I'd had the opportunity to play so many, but am deeply content with the two I own.


That CEO-7 is a little monster of a guitar! One that will never leave me! Great pick!


Tony - another great list.  Surprised not to see the M-36 on top of the list.  I do appreciate the thought you put into your prioritization.


Tony, I can't believe you said nothing about the Martin D15. It is the Absolute Bass Monster of all Martin's. It plays even better in Drop D tuning and I absolutely love it for acoustic metal or hard rock!


I've always avoided trying to "buy expertise" by having gear that exceeded my skill level. Except...took the guitar up at age 65. After practicing for a year diligently and making very slow but steady progress, I purchased a Martin OOO-18.  If I waited until I was "good enough", at best, I'd have few years to play it, at worst, I'd never have it.  My Martin is not played nearly as well as other Martins, but it's a happy guitar because it's played every day.


Yep, the CEO7 is hands-down my favorite guitar! It’s the one guitar I’ll never let go.


My "go to guitar" is a Martin SC13e. I think it is, by far, the best price / value in the Martin line. I ordered mine before it was even available and got mine a week before the official release date! The neck attachment geometry and lack of a traditional neck heel makes it play like a Fender Stratocaster! Getting up to the high "C" on the high E string is a breeze! Since introducing the SC-13e, Martin recently came out with a new line of SC body shaped guitars. It's incredibly comfortable to play with its unique asymmetrical shape.


D35 is the best I have played or heard or owned. I have tried about 8 of these and one of HD35s. All 35s are consistent in sound and set up.


A review of yours convinced me to get a 000-15SM. Light as a feather. 12 fret. Slotted headstock. Dust Bowl vibe. Honest sound. And I got it from Music Villa! Couldn’t be happier. Named her Brown Sugar. Let’s just add her to the list for an even dozen.


This brought a big smile on my face 😊 I was lucky to buy one a couple of years ago. It sounds so big for its size with clarity and bass response. It has so much dynamic. You can play it softly and it almost creates a compression effect that makes each note jump out of the guitar. Good choice for #1


My favorite is the one I have owned since 2017. It’s a 1998 Martin 00-21GE  ❤
Lots of great models on your list. Well done.


I've only owned a GPCPA4 Rosewood which is one of my biggest regrets selling it years ago, but the best ones I've played are the CEO7, OM21, D35 and M36.


Tony, don’t change a thing about your show. Yammer all you want! I look forward to watching this every single Tuesday! Christopher_H from TAC btw.


Best bang for your buck is the OOO15M. A truly great little guitar.


Woooo proud ceo-7 owner here!

I ordered mine back in 2021 and it finally came in a few weeks ago. I’m a lefty and mine sings beautifully! Played it every day since I’ve gotten it. I had a 0015m years ago but wished I had gotten the ceo7, although the mahogany 15 was amazing too.


Hey Tony, thanks for the shout-out! 👊


Hey Tony! Great show as always! I agree wholeheartedly with the D-18 in the top 5 at number 4! I finally got a new one last month. It sustains for days! And the tone is amazing! I was surprised to hear no mention of the D-41, D-42. or Martin's flagship D-45. Based on construction and tone woods, wouldn't they be as desirable as the HD-28?


Hey Tony, Seasons Greetings from Swansea, South Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. Thank you for another superb episode. The quailty of content and production is only eclipsed by your infectious enthusiasm for the joy of music. I wish this inspiration was availble 40 years ago when I was in school or when our kids were in school. Thank you for your time and commitment, we in the community love being part of the famil. Happy Holidays to all ❤️


To my mind the Martin D28 Authentic 1937 is THE standout acoustic guitar you can buy off the shelf today. Incomparable!


Tony, I have been a full time guitarist fos close to 39 years, I still just love your videos