
I hope new jeans members coming to their senses and DONT work with min heejin


thanks for pointing out what she said about newjeans in the kakao talk lol


Delusions of grandeur and power until her bitter end, lol. Min Hee Jin is not the one who terminated her shareholders agreement. The ADOR board of directors did that when they fired her as CEO. This woman really has a problem with telling the truth.


I have always felt Min Heejin and NewJeans relationship was a bit weird (like the shirt she had with her and the newjeans members) and don't get me started on some of their concepts "cough, cough" their song cookie. 

Min Heejin was accused of embezzlement, mishandling an SA case, and trying to steal ADOR from its parent company. NONE of this has to do with hardly ANYTHING she spent that press conference rambling about. All of this was brought up as a deflection to take the heat off herself and distribute it to artists, the company, and NewJeans who were caught in the crossfire.

Min Heejin pushed things past the point of return. She was caught doing things that would guarantee she lose her CEO position. She was reckless and she GOT HERSELF FIRED. After spending years grooming these girls to feel as if they need her, controlling aspects of their lives, and turning them against everyone else, she carelessly compromised her position in the company and was ousted for it. What she did is a form of abandonment. 

If Min Heejin really cared about New Jeans, she would have never did the things she did that lead to her losing her CEO position. If she cared about NewJeans, she would allow them to flourish without her, instead of manipulating them into sabotaging their own careers. If Min Heejin cared about New Jeans she would understand why she can no longer be a CEO under HYBE and potentially work out other ways she can be involved with them. Instead, she was selfish, and has began using these girls as pawns to try and fix her OWN mistakes. Min Heejin has destroyed her own career, and she is dragging NewJeans down with her.

She will NEVER allow them to succeed without her. Doing so would break the facade she's drilled into their heads which is that they need her. I don't believe the girls did that livestream on their own volition as it gave scripted and featured legal language that would only come after seeking legal advice.

Min Heejin has effectively killed NewJeans as we know it.


Finally the delulu aunt quits ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Hope New Jeans come to their sense but I wish them luck coz they will need it


On a bigger picture the loss hybe would suffer will be far less than the loss that the other would suffer as hybe had grown big and this problem alone wont make it anyway bankrupt or out of business.  Besides hybe is a funding and management agency for all the individual companies under them like bighit, pledis, and all. So i dont really understand what the use of a long battle


So they still want to work with her even after calling them fat and lazy and that minji looks better when she was younger?


Them quitting Hype and starting a new girl group under new name and MHJ is a long shot...


Yaaaaaaay ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


Let's be honest no side is victim they all are wrong including the artist cuz like they believe that they can't do anything without min hee jin when in reality they can. They are so attached to her that they are willing to end their contract just for her. And min hee jin is also bad cuz she is the reason behind so many scandals and hate towards other artists and i can't believe that new jeans still call her their mother. On the other hand hybe is just as bad for bad mouthing other artists being involved in chart manipulation and so many other things including mistreating the girls to some extent so its not like hybe is any better than mhj and new jeans or the other way around. Both are just as problematic as the other


โ€œSo so pretty, way more than she is nowโ€ what in the diddlerโ€ฆtell the ppl in korea to hide their kids๐Ÿ˜จ


New jeans is probably finished. They will be labeled as a whistle-blower and no company would want to sign them because they will be a liability. Sad because my daughter's and I really like their cheery songs.


Nah new jeans can't form a new group cuz mhj is struggling financially cuz of all the law suits


The world is healing




Ban mhj and bsh from entertainment industry and make hybe go through a whole staff change . Nj should just stay and forget bout mhj


Ming Li, Ming Liiiiiii


I'm so happy that there going to another company ๐Ÿ˜Š they are Ganna get treated better


Good riddance is correct!


New Jeans is so close to ruining their own careers