
Transition on Acheron's ult was 🔥


I'm seriously starting to wonder howmnay gachas you play lmao

Great vids, tho.


Bro I'm so happy you use the first bgm. That song was my favorite, a banger

Edit: Nevermind that was a quick one


The pulling sess has been a long struggle and funny journey. Congrats on getting her❤


you have 2 choice , which one you choose ?
1 : power of tryhard 💪
2 : power of money 🐧


Oh No You're Unlucky🥺 4:09 
Single Pull Congratulations You're Lucky🎉🥳 7:06


I got lucky winning the 50/50 but had to get to 85/90. The light cone popped at 79. This was my Christmas present. Also congrats on getting fugue


Just got her and her LC this afternoon, I made sure to come back to this, you brought me luck and faith my brother.


New NaniSan video AHHHH!!!


Чел ты слишком хорош =) Я за тебя переживал больше, чем за себя :face-orange-biting-nails:


absolute cinema


Love the Rockman EXE Beast music.


I lost my original 50/50 to Clara but thankfully I was able to get her with my remaining tickets + the embers tickets.


Hit refresh at just the right time to be first


love the zips music near the end


I just watched my Struggle to get fugue when only 1 day left


after all,bro finally got what he/she want


this is what im waiting for 😁


