
>logs in
>45/50 pilgrim mold
>its sunday
>goes straight to pilgrim tower
50/50 pilgrim mold
>gets R nikke


got ssr from pilgrim mold, it's fake, we all know that it is montaged


It will sound weird but I have gotten more SSR nikkes in SR molds.


This is definitely fake. You don't get pilgrims from pilgrim molds


I got the best Mass produced Nikkes from my Pilgrim molds. 😘


i mostly get BERLOTAS


1:35 頑なにMAX押さないの好きwww


Just did my first pilgrim mold a few days ago. Still recovering from the lavender scented disappointment.


Man it'll take me so damn long to get even one pilgrim mold, I don't have a single one yet


Scarlet from Pilgrim Mold? luckiest ever confirmed


Wait... You can get pilgrims from the pilgrim mold? Al I ever get is purple crap.


Just opened 17 tower molds in total after saving up for a LONG time. Got only 2 SSR nikkes. Almost uninstalled the game after that.


It looks good because you opened a bunch of molds together. I’ll also get a bunch of SSRs in the Anniversary. Mainly because I have 42K gems and 28 tickets stored +10 from this event + 10 from Anni’s event + (most likely) 10 for commemoration + any amount of gems for commemoration/compensation (the last Anni being 3K if I’m right) +daily and weekly gems + gems if I’m bothered to clear the lost sectors. All of this will probably send me beyond 200 pulls, that will probably net me 10+ SSRs. Granted, I can be very unlucky and get 1 or 2 if any, but that can be said about all molds. I got mostly SR from all molds.


I've completed three Pilgrim molds so far lol first I got Isabel then the last two were Belorta :(


I once used an SSR mold and got an R...


if you roll a few SR on gold molds it might just be the perfect chance to roll the Pilgrim mold


I got pilgrim mold today and got a Snow White limit break


Very nice I never get lucky with molds 🎉😢


Today Is da wallpaipaa day 😂


Got unlucky on all molds but i got redhood from pilgrim