
There's SBMM in The Finals, which isn't surprising at all. However, the recent change within the SBMM algorithm has made players complaining, saying that the matches has turned into a 
sweaty experience, and aren't as fun as they used to be after release. Do you agree?


As always: yes to sbmm in ranked mode, no to sbmm in pubs.


I could tell when the sbmm hit and to me it feels more like the MW 2 2022 sweatfest than the addicting beta version of the finals.


SBMM is actually really starting to annoy me in the finals, idk if its cuz i was performing well during the 1st week but since the change ive been in actual misery cuz ill either have teamates that dont play or my team is so much better than me that im actually holding them back and the enemy teams are so insane that all of a sudden i stand no chance against any of them and using fun weapons and gadgets are just out the window as i have to use whats meta just so i dont hold my teams back


The finals has already lost me overall as a casual player. If I don't have two friends to hop on with me I'll just go play another game. I don't have time to be sweatlording it up in casual when solo queueing. All I want is to chill and to have some fun. Turn it off for casual. Keep it or even make it tighter for ranked.


Funny how hard the game fell after this , honestly I love it. That was a first class example of sbmm killing a game


As someone who is probably just above average (my kdr hovers between 2 and 3) but having high MMR, the change was drastic for me. Something felt instantly wrong and I honestly haven't been having real fun in the game ever since. Then I saw they tweaked SBMM and my initial reaction was "Oh no, not again".

Strict SBMM is so stupid I can't even fathom it. Skill distribution is a standard distribution (aka bell curve). For the lower AND upper echelons of players, there's already a player pool that is restricted so why tighten the SBMM? It makes no sense.
I used to play Apex Legends and it was one of the reasons I stopped enjoying it.


My first matches were so fun, now i get tired to play after 1 or 2 matches because im feeling im playing the grand final of esports, meh.


Saw it coming but this is why i never get too excited. SBMM ruins games, dont want every single game to be a sweatfest.


I won my first match and thought the game was really fun! Then it placed me lobby after lobby of sweats 😅 I deleted the game when I realized the SBMM was equal to COD, if not worse, but the game is 10 times less polished.


Real talk. I'd say 95% of people in the community absolutely despise SBMM. Can someone explain to me why they still continue to keep it in? This changes absolutely nothing for their shop sales at all. I was having a BLAST for the first 2 days and after that I don't have any desire to play anymore because every single lobby I go against the sweatiest players of all time (mind you this is also not even in ranked!) The thing is, I'm an average Joe gamer now adays, maybe a bit above average but nothing more, I don't have the time to grind like I used to. With that being said It's not like I was stomping players before the SBMM hit me, it was some good people some bad people some average people. Some games you still get those sweat lords and other games terrible people, but it is what it is. WHY DO THEY FEEL THE NEED TO ADD SBMM TO CASUAL? I absolutely was loving the game until I started realizing what was going on. It drives me INSANE how developers have a gem of a game and they are so delusional that they will end up killing it without even realizing because they are LOST.


It has SBMM. The SBMM makes me feel like I'm a mouse sweating on a mousewheel. I was enjoying the game until I noticed things started getting sweaty. The game is playing me for a fool. I have uninstalled. I don't like being played for a fool.


Sbmm has ruined the game for me. This is the worst sbmm I've seen in any game even worse than recent cods. There should be absolutely no sbmm in casual modes especially if there's ranked. If anything very loose sbmm like in battlefield. I'm a top 2% battlefield player and win 90% of my games. The finals unless I'm playing in a 3 man party I win like 10% of games


eomm is in the finals to. i have games where i do no damage or rpg shots just dont hit them


1:25 it does not protect new players, i created a new account to test it. I did well in the first game and it immediately matched me with ppl that are half way through the battle pass from then on. Every single match is sweaty. I did good ONE game and it's matching me with high level players...


Sadly I came from cod from sbmm and been loving the finals but now iv reached sbmm squeezing my throat... so sadly that's the end of it for me.


SBMM usually wrecks my experience in FPS games, between the shit connections that usually come with it and the constant sweat fests it just becomes tedious. There should be some outlier protection like keeping lower skill players away from the highest, connections are so much more important that the skill of your opponents. I've already noticed this happening in The Finals, it's become less fun and I don't have the same urge to log on that I did before...


Well now I know NOT to invest my time in this game, a pity, it looks dazzling. In any case, thanks for saving me space on my Xbox. 👍


I miss beta. I started playing again these last few days to solidify how I feel to the current state of the game. As a solo it’s become a joke, it’s not fun like it was to start. You had a good game and a bad game and it was all fun, now every single game is a sweat fest while also being a daycare for my team. I wish they’d remove sbmm in the quick cash modes and just leave it for ranked. It’s made a really likeable game unlikeable.


I am getting back to a FPS after years... IMO the issue is that (june '24) there isn't a SBMM in this game.
I get paired even in Quick cash with semipro players that are headshotted while they're jumping...

Basically what I expect are lobby full of other lowskilled / casual players and team with very bad coordination, and instead... EVEN QUICK CASH are 80% filled with semi-pro players (and teams of 3 of them) that consistency wipe away my team.