
WAIT, that review for Fig 😭 part of me wants to believe they confused her for Drew Barrymore or someone slightly controversial, because I just know Kelly Clarkson is out there somewhere thinking "Now why am I in it??"


I just smelled fig corn in a store and i FELL IN LOVE. Like im so mad the fragance is that expensive. Its the best thing ive ever smelt


if you want a wearable banana fragrance, you should try l'artisan bana banana! the story behind it is so funny, the creator was going to a costume party as a banana with their partner and they wanted to commit to the bit so they created that fragrance


omg so excited for this one! I know literally nothing about perfumes and I found your channel this week and it's made me actually so interested which is so fun for me but terrible for my wallet. When you mentioned this brand in a previous video I was super intrigued, so great to see this one! Glad you managed to sort your laptop situation! x


Ooooh i've been eyeing this brand for a while but am definitely not willing to drop the price they ask. Thanks for the review!


I’m so jealous! I have only been able to afford to sample dirty rice and it’s one of my favorite scents so I’m holding onto my samples for life. Ironically I own a full size of sugar addict and I hate the way it smells but that is my most complimented perfume. I hope one day to get dirty rice. 💔


The banana smell/flavour you're thinking of is from Gros Michel bananas. They are not extinct, but they were almost wiped out by Panama disease and producers moved to the Cavendish variety which was immune to the disease. Small producers still grow Gros Michel bananas but you generally won't find them at your local supermarket.


I love this brand soo much! Nanatopia gives me life but drunk saffron is beautiful 💖


Re: Dirty Rainbow having bad reviews: unfortunately something that I’ve noticed about Fragrantica is that almost every fragrance that references queer culture and/or is a Pride Release gets brigaded with negative reviews and sometimes hate speech (an example that immediately comes to mind is their page for JPG’s Le Male Pride release from 2023)


Omg I’ve been waiting for this! Happy nuts is my favorite right now. So so beautiful and underrated especially for night time


Sin&Pleasure is my new go to. It does start out like a rubber tire, but commit to the dry down and projection. I’m from New Orleans and this scent definitely gives off late night down in the quarter, jazz music, bourbon, late 19th early 20th  century New Orleans vibe when Storyville was still around. I put it on an hour or so before I leave the house because of the opening note of the rubber tire but then it completely changes and the projection last. I’ve layered it with Tom Ford Velvet Orchid.


You are soooo right that nobody is talking about Smokin’ Gun, but they def need to be!! It stole my heart, one of my favorite perfumes of all time. That Campari note is delectable, and it’s one of the only Iso-E Super fragrances that I actually like because it’s done with such a light hand. Sometimes I like to layer it with Noté Vanillee by M. Micallef, truly gorgeous combo 😍


Omg yay I love this brand so much!!! Drunk Lovers is my everything this summer


i don't know if you've smelled it but a banana perfume i really enjoy and equally find super weird is y06-s from blackbird. it's notes include banana and electrical fire, and it's a bizarre little tropical greenhouse aroma that is definitely worth smelling if banana is going to be trendy


Recently purchased the sample kits, originally fell in love with two from each, then it became three from each: Sugar Addict, Sin & Pleasure, Drunk Lovers and Fig P*rn. On paper many were a no but on skin Drunk Saffron and Angels Powder were a surprising yes for me. They last quite a long time on my skin, which is known for eating up fragrance. I’ve learned they have minimum 30% fragrance oil. So you do get something for that high price point. Big fan of this house! Thanks for reviewing! 😊


The Kelly Clarkson dig is soo funny


YES! Smokin gun is so slept on! The best fragrance here in my opinion


Emmmmmmaa I love your videos and was waiting for this brand review! Your scent preferences usually matches mine more than 90% of the time so I’m surprised you aren’t a fan of my faves! Drunk Saffron blew me away and actually brought me back into fragrances. I also love Dirty Rice and Happy Nuts as my faves from the house. Nanatopia was a huge miss and the rest are mostly nice but not worth it for me. Sometimes I wonder if my difficulty with smelling molecular notes (Anosmic to Amber Vanilla, Another 13, BR540 etc) is the big difference when we don’t align? Fragrance is so interesting and personal in that way. Either way I learn so much about fragrance from your videos and I look forward to learning more. Cheers


Girl you need to let us know what blush you are wearing in the video! Looks amazing , you are glowing!🩷😍


I want to buy the two discovery kits. I smelled Happy nuts and Nanatopia in store and they were delightful. Nanatopia literally smells like banana bread, which is my favourite treat.