ASMR To Help YOU Fall Asleep FAST! Cozy Whispered Scalp Massage With Layered sounds
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR To Help YOU Fall Asleep FAST! Cozy Whispered Scalp Massage With Layered sounds
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Measuring You Roleplay! 📐(Whispered) Drawing on your face
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Measuring You Roleplay! 📐(Whispered) Drawing on your face
“Professionally” Clipping Your Hair Back?!?! 🤨ASMR Roleplay #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
“Professionally” Clipping Your Hair Back?!?! 🤨ASMR Roleplay #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Follow my instructions FAST to SLOW⚡️ Eyes Open + Closed
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow my instructions FAST to SLOW⚡️ Eyes Open + Closed
ASMR to Make Your Eyes HEAVY! 😴😌 (Soft Spoken Instructions)
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR to Make Your Eyes HEAVY! 😴😌 (Soft Spoken Instructions)
Lyssie ASMR
MOST “Professional” Eyelash Stylist?! ASMR Most FASTEST Roleplay  #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
MOST “Professional” Eyelash Stylist?! ASMR Most FASTEST Roleplay #asmr #shorts
ASMR to Help YOU fall asleep FAST!☁️Deep Ear to Ear Sounds!
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR to Help YOU fall asleep FAST!☁️Deep Ear to Ear Sounds!
ASMR Conducting Various Tests on ALL Your 5 Senses! 🤯 Follow my Instructions
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Conducting Various Tests on ALL Your 5 Senses! 🤯 Follow my Instructions
ASMR FOR People WITH SHORT Attention Spans! 🚨😵‍💫 Fast & Aggressive
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FOR People WITH SHORT Attention Spans! 🚨😵‍💫 Fast & Aggressive
ASMR Drawing AND Tapping ON Your Face! Dot, dot, line ✍️ Layered sounds
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Drawing AND Tapping ON Your Face! Dot, dot, line ✍️ Layered sounds
ASMR THIS OR THAT!? Which One Sounds BETTER?!? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR THIS OR THAT!? Which One Sounds BETTER?!? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
ASMR Follow My Instructions Eyes Open AND Closed! ☁️
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions Eyes Open AND Closed! ☁️
ASMR To Help YOU Fall ASLEEP FAST! Cozy Whispered Personal Attention, Face tracing and drawing
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR To Help YOU Fall ASLEEP FAST! Cozy Whispered Personal Attention, Face tracing and drawing
ASMR Measuring you For Your Halloween Costume! 🎃 Messing with your face, tracing & drawing
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Measuring you For Your Halloween Costume! 🎃 Messing with your face, tracing & drawing
Most FASTEST Nose Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
Most FASTEST Nose Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Plucking, Pulling, Snipping, Tweezing Away Anxiety & Stress
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Plucking, Pulling, Snipping, Tweezing Away Anxiety & Stress
ASMR With Noise Canceling Headphones?!🎧 Personal Attention Makeup, nails, & Gentle sounds
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR With Noise Canceling Headphones?!🎧 Personal Attention Makeup, nails, & Gentle sounds
ASMR Wooden Pampering 🧖‍♀️✨🧴 Personal Attention Spa WITH Layered Sounds 🪵✨
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Wooden Pampering 🧖‍♀️✨🧴 Personal Attention Spa WITH Layered Sounds 🪵✨
VERY “Professional” Nail Artist Does Your Nails ASMR Roleplay! FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
VERY “Professional” Nail Artist Does Your Nails ASMR Roleplay! FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You CAN Close Your Eyes HALFWAY Through! 👀
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You CAN Close Your Eyes HALFWAY Through! 👀
VERY "Professional" FAST Cranial Nerve Exam?? 🤨 Medical ASMR Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
VERY "Professional" FAST Cranial Nerve Exam?? 🤨 Medical ASMR Roleplay
ASMR HOW GOOD is YOUR Intuition?? 🤨 Testing your intuition EASY - IMPOSSIBLE ASMR #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR HOW GOOD is YOUR Intuition?? 🤨 Testing your intuition EASY - IMPOSSIBLE ASMR #asmr #shorts
ASMR FOR People Who DON'T Get Tingles | Satisfying sounds with layered triggers!
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FOR People Who DON'T Get Tingles | Satisfying sounds with layered triggers!
ASMR Messing with your face!? 📏 Measuring you, tracing & drawing on your face
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Messing with your face!? 📏 Measuring you, tracing & drawing on your face
ASMR FAST & AGGRESSIVE Haircut, Hair Clipping, Curling and Styling Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FAST & AGGRESSIVE Haircut, Hair Clipping, Curling and Styling Roleplay
ASMR Closing AND Opening YOUR Eyes | Focus Test Instructions To Fall Asleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Closing AND Opening YOUR Eyes | Focus Test Instructions To Fall Asleep
ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay WITH Light Triggers FOR Tingles & Sleep! Focus Test, Personal attention
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay WITH Light Triggers FOR Tingles & Sleep! Focus Test, Personal attention
VERY "Professional" Wooden Makeup Artist ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
VERY "Professional" Wooden Makeup Artist ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR FOR People Who Get BORED EASILY! 🤷‍♀️⚡️Fast & Aggressive (Soft Spoken)
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FOR People Who Get BORED EASILY! 🤷‍♀️⚡️Fast & Aggressive (Soft Spoken)
How MANY TIMES Did You SEE Cubert??? ASMR Counting Focus Test #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
How MANY TIMES Did You SEE Cubert??? ASMR Counting Focus Test #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
VERY “Professional” Hairstylist Salon ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
VERY “Professional” Hairstylist Salon ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR To Help YOU Sleep Fast! Cozy Whispered Personal Attention, Layered Sounds & Scalp Massage
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR To Help YOU Sleep Fast! Cozy Whispered Personal Attention, Layered Sounds & Scalp Massage
ASMR Parlando in italiano ASMR! fare una manicure alle tue unghie | English Subtitles! #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Parlando in italiano ASMR! fare una manicure alle tue unghie | English Subtitles! #asmr #shorts
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You CAN'T Close Your Eyes!  For Sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You CAN'T Close Your Eyes! For Sleep
ASMR FAST & Aggressive Pampering You With Makeup! Tingly layered sounds for sleep 💤
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FAST & Aggressive Pampering You With Makeup! Tingly layered sounds for sleep 💤
VERY "Professional" Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Fast & Aggressive
Lyssie ASMR
VERY "Professional" Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Fast & Aggressive
ASMR FOR People Who Lost Tingles & Satisfying sounds with some new triggers!
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FOR People Who Lost Tingles & Satisfying sounds with some new triggers!
FAST Makeup Application! Doing My and Your Makeup FASTEST ASMR #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
FAST Makeup Application! Doing My and Your Makeup FASTEST ASMR #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Cranial Nerve Exam BUT With Your Eyes CLOSED! ✨ Medical Doctor Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Cranial Nerve Exam BUT With Your Eyes CLOSED! ✨ Medical Doctor Roleplay
Very FAST Ear Piercing Shop Rolpelay! FASTEST ASMR #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
Very FAST Ear Piercing Shop Rolpelay! FASTEST ASMR #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Eye Exam WITH Light Triggers 👀 Medical roleplay doctor, follow instructions
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Eye Exam WITH Light Triggers 👀 Medical roleplay doctor, follow instructions
ASMR Follow My Instructions But With Your Eyes Closed FOR SLEEP! 😴
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions But With Your Eyes Closed FOR SLEEP! 😴
THIS, THAT OR THIS?! Which one sounds better? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
Lyssie ASMR
THIS, THAT OR THIS?! Which one sounds better? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
Fast ASMR FOR People With SHORT Attention Span! ⚡️ CHANGING Triggers EVERY 4 seconds
Lyssie ASMR
Fast ASMR FOR People With SHORT Attention Span! ⚡️ CHANGING Triggers EVERY 4 seconds
Fastest ASMR "Professional" Medical Tests 😳 Conducting various random exams on you roleplay!
Lyssie ASMR
Fastest ASMR "Professional" Medical Tests 😳 Conducting various random exams on you roleplay!
MOST "professional" FIXING Your Makeup??! ASMR Roleplay Most Fastest #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
MOST "professional" FIXING Your Makeup??! ASMR Roleplay Most Fastest #asmr #shorts
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT They Change EVERY Time You Watch! Eyes open and closed for sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT They Change EVERY Time You Watch! Eyes open and closed for sleep
YOU have an eyelash in YOUR eye?!? 😳 ASMR #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
YOU have an eyelash in YOUR eye?!? 😳 ASMR #asmr #shorts
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Cranial Nerve Exam?? 🤨 Medical Roleplay, Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Cranial Nerve Exam?? 🤨 Medical Roleplay, Roleplay
ASMR Big Sister Pampers You With Makeup & Skincare 💄🧼 Tingly layered sounds, soft spoken roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Big Sister Pampers You With Makeup & Skincare 💄🧼 Tingly layered sounds, soft spoken roleplay
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You Can Close Your Eyes Halfway For Sleep 😴✨
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT You Can Close Your Eyes Halfway For Sleep 😴✨
HOW Good Is YOUR Intuition?? 🤔 Testing your Intuition Easy To Impossible ASMR #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
HOW Good Is YOUR Intuition?? 🤔 Testing your Intuition Easy To Impossible ASMR #asmr #shorts
FASTEST "Professional" ASMR?? 😳 Dentist, Hair Salon, Tattoo shop, Eye Exam Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
FASTEST "Professional" ASMR?? 😳 Dentist, Hair Salon, Tattoo shop, Eye Exam Roleplay
ASMR Measuring You BEFORE Sleep!📏😴 Roleplay, drawing on your face visuals
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Measuring You BEFORE Sleep!📏😴 Roleplay, drawing on your face visuals
MOST “Professional” Cranial Nerve Exam?? ASMR Medical Roleplay! Fastest!! #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
MOST “Professional” Cranial Nerve Exam?? ASMR Medical Roleplay! Fastest!! #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR To Help YOU sleep FAST! 😴 Cozy layered sounds, skincare, hair brushing & scalp massage
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR To Help YOU sleep FAST! 😴 Cozy layered sounds, skincare, hair brushing & scalp massage
THIS, THAT, OR THAT?! Which one sounds better? 🤨 ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
Lyssie ASMR
THIS, THAT, OR THAT?! Which one sounds better? 🤨 ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT With Your EYES CLOSED! 🥱💤Medical Doctor Roleplay For Sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT With Your EYES CLOSED! 🥱💤Medical Doctor Roleplay For Sleep
ASMR FOR People With SHORT Attention Spans! ⚡️💨 Fast & Aggressive focus games, tests, follow...
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FOR People With SHORT Attention Spans! ⚡️💨 Fast & Aggressive focus games, tests, follow...
VERY “Professional” Tongue Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
VERY “Professional” Tongue Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Removing ALL Your Negative Energy For the New Year! ✨ Measuring, Plucking, Pulling & Brushing
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Removing ALL Your Negative Energy For the New Year! ✨ Measuring, Plucking, Pulling & Brushing
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT With Your Eyes OPENED AND CLOSED! 👀 Pay Attention (For Sleep)
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT With Your Eyes OPENED AND CLOSED! 👀 Pay Attention (For Sleep)
A VERY "Realistic" ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay 😀 Personal attention & Light Triggers
Lyssie ASMR
A VERY "Realistic" ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay 😀 Personal attention & Light Triggers
ASMR *WARNING* At EXACTLY 6:45 You Will Get Tingles ✨ Tingly personal attention, layered sounds
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR *WARNING* At EXACTLY 6:45 You Will Get Tingles ✨ Tingly personal attention, layered sounds
ASMR Getting SOMETHING Out OF Your Ear! 😳 Medical Ear Cleaning Exam Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Getting SOMETHING Out OF Your Ear! 😳 Medical Ear Cleaning Exam Roleplay
ASMR Calm & Cozy Triggers To Help You Fall Asleep FAST 💤 Personal attention, whispered talking
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Calm & Cozy Triggers To Help You Fall Asleep FAST 💤 Personal attention, whispered talking
FASTEST Medical ASMR?? 🤨 Cranial Nerve Exam, Lice Check, Ear / Eye Exam, Dentist ROLEPLAY
Lyssie ASMR
FASTEST Medical ASMR?? 🤨 Cranial Nerve Exam, Lice Check, Ear / Eye Exam, Dentist ROLEPLAY
ASMR Doing Your Makeup With EXTREMELY Long "Nails"💄 Tingly layered sounds, Whispered Roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Doing Your Makeup With EXTREMELY Long "Nails"💄 Tingly layered sounds, Whispered Roleplay
ASMR Follow My Instructions & Pay Attention To What I Say BUT You Can Close Your Eyes! 👀💤 For Sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions & Pay Attention To What I Say BUT You Can Close Your Eyes! 👀💤 For Sleep
ASMR Removing All Your Negative Energy ✨ Measuring, Plucking, Pulling, Snipping & Brushing
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Removing All Your Negative Energy ✨ Measuring, Plucking, Pulling, Snipping & Brushing
A "Professional" Removes Something Stuck In Your Eye 👀 ASMR fast & aggressive #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
A "Professional" Removes Something Stuck In Your Eye 👀 ASMR fast & aggressive #asmr #shorts
How FAST Can You Follow My Instructions?! ASMR Fastest Pay Attention focus test! #asmr #fast #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
How FAST Can You Follow My Instructions?! ASMR Fastest Pay Attention focus test! #asmr #fast #shorts
ASMR For People With SHORT Attention Spans ⏱️ Fast & Aggressive Focus Games, Intuition
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR For People With SHORT Attention Spans ⏱️ Fast & Aggressive Focus Games, Intuition
ASMR Big Sister Does Your Halloween Makeup For a Party Roleplay 🎃 Fast & aggressive, layered sounds
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Big Sister Does Your Halloween Makeup For a Party Roleplay 🎃 Fast & aggressive, layered sounds
ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay WITH Light Triggers For Sleep & Tingles | Personal Attention, Focus Test
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Eye Exam Roleplay WITH Light Triggers For Sleep & Tingles | Personal Attention, Focus Test
Very "PROFESSIONAL" Halloween Makeup Artist Does Your Makeup ASMR Roleplay! #shorts #makeup #fast
Lyssie ASMR
Very "PROFESSIONAL" Halloween Makeup Artist Does Your Makeup ASMR Roleplay! #shorts #makeup #fast
HOW GOOD IS YOUR INTUITION? Test Your Intuition With ASMR Guessing Games! 😮 Easy to Impossible
Lyssie ASMR
HOW GOOD IS YOUR INTUITION? Test Your Intuition With ASMR Guessing Games! 😮 Easy to Impossible
ASMR School Nurse Checks Your Hair For Lice! 💆‍♀️ Nurse Exam Lice Check Roleplay | Scalp massage
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR School Nurse Checks Your Hair For Lice! 💆‍♀️ Nurse Exam Lice Check Roleplay | Scalp massage
ASMR To Help You Fall Asleep FAST! 😴✨Cozy Sounds, Hair Brushing, Covering Your Eyes & Brushing
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR To Help You Fall Asleep FAST! 😴✨Cozy Sounds, Hair Brushing, Covering Your Eyes & Brushing
ASMR Big Sister Does Your Tingly Skincare AND Makeup Roleplay! ✨ Relaxing Layered Sounds For Sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Big Sister Does Your Tingly Skincare AND Makeup Roleplay! ✨ Relaxing Layered Sounds For Sleep
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT You Can CLOSE YOUR EYES 😴 Doctor Roleplay For SLEEP 💤
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT You Can CLOSE YOUR EYES 😴 Doctor Roleplay For SLEEP 💤
ASMR FAST & AGGRESSIVE MAKEUP APPLICATION! 💄 Layered Sounds, Visuals, whispered personal attention
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR FAST & AGGRESSIVE MAKEUP APPLICATION! 💄 Layered Sounds, Visuals, whispered personal attention
ASMR How GOOD Is YOUR Intuition? ✨ Testing your intuition ASMR Easy To Impossible  #asmr #shorts
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR How GOOD Is YOUR Intuition? ✨ Testing your intuition ASMR Easy To Impossible #asmr #shorts
ASMR Personal Attention BUT The Roleplay Keeps CHANGING! ⚡️ Fast & Chaotic
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Personal Attention BUT The Roleplay Keeps CHANGING! ⚡️ Fast & Chaotic
VERY “Professional” Ear Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
VERY “Professional” Ear Piercing Shop ASMR Roleplay! Most FASTEST #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT With Your Eyes CLOSED! 👀 Pay Attention (For Sleep)
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Follow My Instructions BUT With Your Eyes CLOSED! 👀 Pay Attention (For Sleep)
ASMR Measuring You For a Suit Fitting Roleplay! 📏 Drawing on you
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Measuring You For a Suit Fitting Roleplay! 📏 Drawing on you
ASMR Relaxing Sleepy Spa Roleplay! ✨ Tingly layered sounds & Visuals
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Relaxing Sleepy Spa Roleplay! ✨ Tingly layered sounds & Visuals
ASMR Doing your wooden makeup BUT with WOODEN BLOCKS?! #asmr #shorts #makeup #asmrtapping
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Doing your wooden makeup BUT with WOODEN BLOCKS?! #asmr #shorts #makeup #asmrtapping
ASMR Older Sister Does Your Makeup For School 💄 Fast & Aggressive, tingly layered sounds, roleplay
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Older Sister Does Your Makeup For School 💄 Fast & Aggressive, tingly layered sounds, roleplay
THIS, THIS OR THAT?! Which one sounds better? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
Lyssie ASMR
THIS, THIS OR THAT?! Which one sounds better? ASMR #asmr #sleep #tingles
ASMR This OR That?! 🤔 Which One Sounds Better?? Decision making for sleep
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR This OR That?! 🤔 Which One Sounds Better?? Decision making for sleep
FASTEST ASMR ✨ Spa, Makeup application, Nail, Hair Salon roleplay💄💅💇‍♀️ With layered sounds
Lyssie ASMR
FASTEST ASMR ✨ Spa, Makeup application, Nail, Hair Salon roleplay💄💅💇‍♀️ With layered sounds
日本語 ASMR In Japanese! Doing your spa facial in 1 minute shorts
Lyssie ASMR
日本語 ASMR In Japanese! Doing your spa facial in 1 minute shorts
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT You Can Close Your Eyes! 😌 Doctor roleplay for sleep 💤
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam BUT You Can Close Your Eyes! 😌 Doctor roleplay for sleep 💤
ASMR Friend Gets You Ready For The Beach! 🌊 ☀️ (makeup, personal attention, visuals, roleplay)
Lyssie ASMR
ASMR Friend Gets You Ready For The Beach! 🌊 ☀️ (makeup, personal attention, visuals, roleplay)
HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU SEE BABY MOCHI? ASMR Count with me focus test #shorts #asmr #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU SEE BABY MOCHI? ASMR Count with me focus test #shorts #asmr #asmrsounds
Very "Professional" Eye Exam ASMR Roleplay 1 minute #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
Lyssie ASMR
Very "Professional" Eye Exam ASMR Roleplay 1 minute #asmr #shorts #asmrsounds
WHAT'S BETWEEN YOUR TEETH?! ASMR Fastest Dentist Roleplay #asmr #shorts #Dentist
Lyssie ASMR
WHAT'S BETWEEN YOUR TEETH?! ASMR Fastest Dentist Roleplay #asmr #shorts #Dentist