um that stereotype is a lie🙃 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
um that stereotype is a lie🙃 #baby #downsyndrome
after darkness comes 💡  #downsyndrome #baby
kimberly harvey
after darkness comes 💡 #downsyndrome #baby
thrifted + diy halloween costumes! | budget friendly costumes
kimberly harvey
thrifted + diy halloween costumes! | budget friendly costumes
where we've been for the last 9 months
kimberly harvey
where we've been for the last 9 months
which family member does winnie look most similar too?! Sorry to dada for not including him😂
kimberly harvey
which family member does winnie look most similar too?! Sorry to dada for not including him😂
another day, another fact! #downsyndrome #downsyndomeawareness
kimberly harvey
another day, another fact! #downsyndrome #downsyndomeawareness
kimberly harvey
how'd we do with this trend😂 #upsidedown #trending #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
how'd we do with this trend😂 #upsidedown #trending #baby #downsyndrome
poor girl fighting for her life in the sand😂 #baby #milestone #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
poor girl fighting for her life in the sand😂 #baby #milestone #downsyndrome
Why we've been MIA🫠 but were back and better than ever!🤗 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Why we've been MIA🫠 but were back and better than ever!🤗 #baby #downsyndrome
The FOMO is real😅 #baby #toddlers #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
The FOMO is real😅 #baby #toddlers #downsyndrome
When the at home pt session becomes a cheer routine😂 #baby #downsyndrome #fitness
kimberly harvey
When the at home pt session becomes a cheer routine😂 #baby #downsyndrome #fitness
tiny queen got a wardrobe upgrade! #baby #babygirl #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
tiny queen got a wardrobe upgrade! #baby #babygirl #downsyndrome
the way she says high five🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
the way she says high five🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
when people say she can't, she says "watch me" #baby #downsyndrome #milestone
kimberly harvey
when people say she can't, she says "watch me" #baby #downsyndrome #milestone
the cutest little bottomless pit🤗 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
the cutest little bottomless pit🤗 #baby #downsyndrome
come run errands with us❣️day in the life! #sahm #ditl #realisticdayinthelife
kimberly harvey
come run errands with us❣️day in the life! #sahm #ditl #realisticdayinthelife
I'm so lucky❤️ #downsyndrome #babygirl #baby
kimberly harvey
I'm so lucky❤️ #downsyndrome #babygirl #baby
Solids were a struggle a few months ago but shes come so far🥹 #downsyndrome #milestone
kimberly harvey
Solids were a struggle a few months ago but shes come so far🥹 #downsyndrome #milestone
Teeniest pigtails you've ever seen😂
kimberly harvey
Teeniest pigtails you've ever seen😂
Very REALISTIC day in the life as a stay at home mom! #sahm #ditl
kimberly harvey
Very REALISTIC day in the life as a stay at home mom! #sahm #ditl
I can't believe this happened🥹 #milestone #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
I can't believe this happened🥹 #milestone #downsyndrome
Surround yourself with the right kind of ppl🥰 #downsyndrome #baby #momlife
kimberly harvey
Surround yourself with the right kind of ppl🥰 #downsyndrome #baby #momlife
it's the little things in life 🪭 #milestone #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
it's the little things in life 🪭 #milestone #downsyndrome
hope you guys aren't sick of these yet, but love a good milestone compilation😅 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
hope you guys aren't sick of these yet, but love a good milestone compilation😅 #downsyndrome
the opportunities are endless, thank for the gift IGLU🥰
kimberly harvey
the opportunities are endless, thank for the gift IGLU🥰
It's almost like...were all related🤗 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
It's almost like...were all related🤗 #downsyndrome
Still can't believe I caught her doing this🥹 #milestone
kimberly harvey
Still can't believe I caught her doing this🥹 #milestone
I cant believe she's walking🥹 #milestone #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
I cant believe she's walking🥹 #milestone #downsyndrome
Morning chats with Winnie
kimberly harvey
Morning chats with Winnie
Who's who?😂
kimberly harvey
Who's who?😂
Each of my kids have a unique facial expression, this ones Winnies😂
kimberly harvey
Each of my kids have a unique facial expression, this ones Winnies😂
Thankful for ALL the extras🥰 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Thankful for ALL the extras🥰 #downsyndrome
Had to redo this with some updated milstones🥰 #downsyndrome #milestone
kimberly harvey
Had to redo this with some updated milstones🥰 #downsyndrome #milestone
Officially a beach baby
kimberly harvey
Officially a beach baby
the last 8 years of my life 🤝 50 seconds #family #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
the last 8 years of my life 🤝 50 seconds #family #downsyndrome
It's okay to admit you were wrong, and boy was I wrong!🥹 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
It's okay to admit you were wrong, and boy was I wrong!🥹 #downsyndrome
14 months of proving another misconception wrong😌 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
14 months of proving another misconception wrong😌 #downsyndrome
Does she have a cheerleading career in her future?😂
kimberly harvey
Does she have a cheerleading career in her future?😂
Being a mom is hard, but being their mom is rewarding🥹 #family #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Being a mom is hard, but being their mom is rewarding🥹 #family #downsyndrome
Were one step closer to walking over here!🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #milestone
kimberly harvey
Were one step closer to walking over here!🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #milestone
It's really that simple☺️ #family #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
It's really that simple☺️ #family #baby #downsyndrome
Had to share an excerpt from a poem I came across by Shruthi Parker. That oh so kissable spot🥰
kimberly harvey
Had to share an excerpt from a poem I came across by Shruthi Parker. That oh so kissable spot🥰
Strangers say the darnedest things, don't they😅 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Strangers say the darnedest things, don't they😅 #baby #downsyndrome
I think they know babe😂 #baby #family #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
I think they know babe😂 #baby #family #downsyndrome
q+a for 100k, ask away on my insta story @ kim_fleet. Thank you guys for your support❤️
kimberly harvey
q+a for 100k, ask away on my insta story @ kim_fleet. Thank you guys for your support❤️
she'll get there one day😅 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
kimberly harvey
she'll get there one day😅 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
I think she's doing pretty ok🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
I think she's doing pretty ok🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up but Im so thankful for the life I was given #family
kimberly harvey
I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up but Im so thankful for the life I was given #family
Some giggles and babbles aka music to my ears🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Some giggles and babbles aka music to my ears🥹 #baby #downsyndrome
Thankful that each of my kids are exactly who they're supposed to be🥺
kimberly harvey
Thankful that each of my kids are exactly who they're supposed to be🥺
The reason we've been quiet over here... but mostly better and officially have a 1 year old🥹
kimberly harvey
The reason we've been quiet over here... but mostly better and officially have a 1 year old🥹
Chronic laryngitis🤝voiceover. Still can't believe I have a 5 yr old, we had the best time at disney
kimberly harvey
Chronic laryngitis🤝voiceover. Still can't believe I have a 5 yr old, we had the best time at disney
I could stare into her perfect little eyes forever🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
I could stare into her perfect little eyes forever🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
Happily part of the lucky few💙💛 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #family
kimberly harvey
Happily part of the lucky few💙💛 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #family
I feel the same way about cheese puffs girlfriend😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
I feel the same way about cheese puffs girlfriend😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
Happy birthday to my first baby🥹 so thankful to be her mama
kimberly harvey
Happy birthday to my first baby🥹 so thankful to be her mama
Thank you Winnie, for showing us the beauty of down syndrome💙💛 #baby #downsyndrome #family
kimberly harvey
Thank you Winnie, for showing us the beauty of down syndrome💙💛 #baby #downsyndrome #family
where we have been + life update
kimberly harvey
where we have been + life update
Is this what they mean by bittersweet? If you need me I'll be emotional the next few months😂
kimberly harvey
Is this what they mean by bittersweet? If you need me I'll be emotional the next few months😂
Some outtakes from a brand video with the giggliest girl😂 #baby #downsyndrome #babylaughing
kimberly harvey
Some outtakes from a brand video with the giggliest girl😂 #baby #downsyndrome #babylaughing
Hope she waves at me like this forever🥹 #baby #babymilestones #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Hope she waves at me like this forever🥹 #baby #babymilestones #downsyndrome #trisomy21
Her crawl may be wonky, but it is proof of all the hard work she has put in for the last few months
kimberly harvey
Her crawl may be wonky, but it is proof of all the hard work she has put in for the last few months
Epic music for the epic milestone🤪 so proud of this accomplishment #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Epic music for the epic milestone🤪 so proud of this accomplishment #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
It's fine, I'm fine🙄 #baby #babymilestones #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
It's fine, I'm fine🙄 #baby #babymilestones #downsyndrome #trisomy21
Thankful for all the love and support ya'll give us instead of being a baby bully like these ppl🥰😂
kimberly harvey
Thankful for all the love and support ya'll give us instead of being a baby bully like these ppl🥰😂
Goodmorning🤗 here's some Winnie babble to start your day🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Goodmorning🤗 here's some Winnie babble to start your day🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
2023 has been wild to say the least. made lots of memories and learned lots of lessons, lete go 2024
kimberly harvey
2023 has been wild to say the least. made lots of memories and learned lots of lessons, lete go 2024
Not officially crawling yet but 1 step closer🥹 obnoxiously proud as always😂 #baby #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
Not officially crawling yet but 1 step closer🥹 obnoxiously proud as always😂 #baby #downsyndrome
I think by the end she was actually laughing at herself😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
I think by the end she was actually laughing at herself😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
We have been waiting so long for this day! | Vlogmas Day 6
kimberly harvey
We have been waiting so long for this day! | Vlogmas Day 6
The list goes on and on, checkin gross and fine motor skills off the list 1 at a time #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
The list goes on and on, checkin gross and fine motor skills off the list 1 at a time #downsyndrome
What I got my kids for Christmas! 3 daughters 4, 2, and 10 months old | Vlogmas Day 5
kimberly harvey
What I got my kids for Christmas! 3 daughters 4, 2, and 10 months old | Vlogmas Day 5
Always accomplishing something over here, always a proud mama🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21
kimberly harvey
Always accomplishing something over here, always a proud mama🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21
Making Baby/Toddler Santa Bell Bottoms | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 4
kimberly harvey
Making Baby/Toddler Santa Bell Bottoms | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 4
Using My Cricut for Christmas Card Labels and an Etsy Order! | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 3
kimberly harvey
Using My Cricut for Christmas Card Labels and an Etsy Order! | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 3
Decorating Our Tree and Picking a Christmas Card | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 2
kimberly harvey
Decorating Our Tree and Picking a Christmas Card | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 2
Cant believe we're done with the helmet forever! It's bittersweet #baby #downsyndrome #plagiocephaly
kimberly harvey
Cant believe we're done with the helmet forever! It's bittersweet #baby #downsyndrome #plagiocephaly
Building a Gingerbread House and Baking Spritz Cookies | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 1
kimberly harvey
Building a Gingerbread House and Baking Spritz Cookies | 12 Days of Vlogmas | Vlogmas Day 1
The suffering is real over here🤪 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
kimberly harvey
The suffering is real over here🤪 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
This was harder than I thought it would be, but it turned out cute🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
This was harder than I thought it would be, but it turned out cute🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
Winnie has made me a better person❤️ so happy she can show the world that down syndrome is NOT bad
kimberly harvey
Winnie has made me a better person❤️ so happy she can show the world that down syndrome is NOT bad
The wiggling feet and hair blowing in the wind🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
kimberly harvey
The wiggling feet and hair blowing in the wind🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #theluckyfew
Just some besties having a tea party🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #daughter #sisters
kimberly harvey
Just some besties having a tea party🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #daughter #sisters
So silly to think about what I felt and thought and said last year, clearly I was mistaken❤️
kimberly harvey
So silly to think about what I felt and thought and said last year, clearly I was mistaken❤️
Declutter and decorate with me! | Major decluttering spree
kimberly harvey
Declutter and decorate with me! | Major decluttering spree
thankful for minimal health issues, Winnie just keeps on winning🙌🏻 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
thankful for minimal health issues, Winnie just keeps on winning🙌🏻 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
yay for babbling but can I get a "mama" just once🙄
kimberly harvey
yay for babbling but can I get a "mama" just once🙄
The best part is how proud SHE is of herself🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #daughter #milestone
kimberly harvey
The best part is how proud SHE is of herself🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #daughter #milestone
Love the love my girls all have for each other🥹🤗 #baby #family #daughter #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Love the love my girls all have for each other🥹🤗 #baby #family #daughter #downsyndrome #trisomy21
9 months old tomorrow, making big girl moves🤗 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21 #daughter
kimberly harvey
9 months old tomorrow, making big girl moves🤗 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21 #daughter
All I have for her is love🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21 #daughter #theluckyfew
kimberly harvey
All I have for her is love🥰 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21 #t21 #daughter #theluckyfew
Best $1 ever spent😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Best $1 ever spent😂 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
So proud of my determined little hard worker, seeing her in the car was bittersweet🥹 #downsyndrome
kimberly harvey
So proud of my determined little hard worker, seeing her in the car was bittersweet🥹 #downsyndrome
Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
kimberly harvey
Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
It's been so fun sharing what I have learned about DS with you all for #downsyndromeawarenessmonth❤️
kimberly harvey
It's been so fun sharing what I have learned about DS with you all for #downsyndromeawarenessmonth❤️
Been MIA lately but all is well, just bit off more than I can chew and on a time crunch😂 #halloween
kimberly harvey
Been MIA lately but all is well, just bit off more than I can chew and on a time crunch😂 #halloween
Since shes got hands and knees down pat, time to focus on sitting🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
kimberly harvey
Since shes got hands and knees down pat, time to focus on sitting🥹 #baby #downsyndrome #trisomy21
0:33 my fav fact❤️ #downsyndrome #baby #trisomy21
kimberly harvey my fav fact❤️ #downsyndrome #baby #trisomy21